Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi met with his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas yesterday at the Federal Palace in Cairo and discussed the latest developments in the Palestinian issue in light of the challenges facing them and the role of the Arab brothers in supporting the Palestinian position in all forums. Palestinian factions, and the role played by Egypt in bringing things closer.

The Spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic, Ambassador Bassam Radi, said that Sisi stressed during the meeting the strength of the historical relations between Egypt and Palestine, pointing out that the Palestinian issue will continue to be a priority in Egypt's foreign policy. He stressed Egypt's continued efforts to restore the Palestinian people to their rights. In accordance with the provisions of international legitimacy.

Al-Sisi stressed Egypt's continued efforts to achieve national reconciliation with the Palestinian parties and work to overcome all the difficulties facing these efforts in order to achieve unity of unity and the interests of the brotherly Palestinian people.

The Spokesman added that the Palestinian president expressed his sincere appreciation for Egypt's efforts and its historic and steadfast positions in supporting the Palestinian cause, pointing to the depth and specificity of the relations between the two brotherly peoples. He stressed his keenness to continue the continuous consultation and coordination with Egypt on various issues of common concern.

The two sides agreed to continue intensive consultations and coordination between them in order to follow up the next steps in terms of unifying the Palestinian ranks, which will contribute to the realization of the hopes of the Palestinian people to end the division and enable them to face the various challenges that are facing them. The Palestinian issue is also being discussed in the framework of a number of Arab and regional issues, in the context of regular coordination and consultation.

On Sunday, Israeli occupying forces prevented hundreds of Palestinian civilians from reaching Al-Khan Al-Ahmar village, east of Jerusalem, to participate in the central event to revive the Palestinian revolution.

The Israeli occupation forces closed all the roads leading to the village, which was threatened with demolition, in an attempt to thwart the activity. The Palestinian news agency WAFA quoted the official of the Fatah youth file in Jerusalem as saying that the Israeli occupation forces detained dozens of citizens, Alul, the head of the wall and settlement resistance organization Walid Assaf, and a number of journalists, and denied them access to the Red Khan.

Palestinian Prime Minister Rami al-Hamdallah called on Hamas to apologize for the attack on the headquarters of the Palestinian Radio and Television Organization in Gaza City, adding that "Palestine TV is not affiliated with a faction or a party. It is a state subordinate. We hold Hamas directly and indirectly responsible for this convicted matter. .

"We will not lose our right to our land, our unity and our identity, and we will not accept the separation of Gaza or the removal of Jerusalem, and it will remain forever and throughout history the capital of our state, which will support the strength and strength of our people," he said.

For its part, the Interior Ministry, which is run by Hamas in Gaza, announced the arrest of the perpetrators of the attack on the headquarters of Palestine's official television in the Gaza Strip. The ministry said in a press statement: "Through the investigation and tracking surveillance cameras, the identity of the five (aggressors) The Fatah movement, all of whom were employees of the Palestinian Authority, whose salaries were finally cut off. One of them was found to be working for Palestine Television. His salary was cut last month. "

The ministry said that its security services have taken legal action against the five persons. "All of them were arrested and, through interrogation, it was found that the main motive for their actions was to cut their salaries by the Authority."