“Another disappointment in the authenticity of“ Western values ​​”. Now and in Canada, freedom of speech exists only for those who broadcast the "right" thoughts and do not ask unnecessary questions. With such principles at the ready, they are apparently going to build a new democratic Venezuela, ”RIA Novosti quotes Simonyan.

It became known earlier that the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied RIA Novosti and Sputnik correspondents accreditation for the meeting of the Lima Group on the situation in Venezuela.

At the same time, as noted in Canada, the Sputnik correspondent was denied, since the agency “in the past” was not “kindly” with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Canada.

The question about the reasons for the refusal of accreditation to the RIA Novosti correspondent remained unanswered by the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In mid-January, Facebook deleted several pages of Sputnik agency.