The Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Chairman of the Council of Muslim Elders, expressed his sincere thanks to the UAE leadership and people for hosting the World Gathering of Human Brothers, the historic event that brought together religious leaders, scholars, churches, politics, thought, literature and media today in Abu Dhabi to witness the launch of the " Human brotherhood ".

This came in the speech of his virtue during the international meeting of the humanitarian brotherhood, which was held at Zayed Foundation founder today, which reads as follows:

In the name of God the Most Gracious the Most Merciful My dear brother and friend / His Holiness Pope Francis - Pope of the Catholic Church.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces.
The concert ..

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you/

I would like to begin by thanking the United Arab Emirates, the leadership and the people, for hosting this historic event, which brings together religious leaders, scholars, church men, politicians, intellectuals, literature and media. This global constellation is meeting today in Abu Dhabi to witness the world. The whole of which calls for spreading the culture of peace and respect for others and for the well-being of all mankind, as a substitute for a culture of hatred, injustice, violence and blood, and to demand that world leaders and policy makers, To intervene immediately to stop the bloodshed and the loss of innocent lives, and an immediate end to the witnessing of conflicts and strife and wars absurd is about to take us back to the decline of civilization miserable threatens the outbreak of a third world war.

Good evening!

I belong to a generation that can be called the generation of wars, with all the fear, horror and suffering that this word carries. I still remember the people's talk after the Second World War about the horrors of war and its aftermath of destruction and devastation. In October 1956, and I saw with my eyes the bombing of the planes to the airport of the cities of Luxor, and how we lived nights in total darkness does not close our eyelids until the morning, and how we were rushed to the caves to hide in the dark, and memory is still stored from these painful memories returned by the trunk if not It has been going through more than sixty years. This war has not lasted for ten years Until the war broke out in 1967, and was more severe than the previous, we lived with all its tragedies, and lived after six years in the so-called economy of wars, and we breathed a sigh of relief only with the victory of 73 in the war of liberation, which restored all Arabs dignity, and sent them places of pride and parents, and the ability to defeat injustice And its people, and break the thorn of aggression and aggressors .. We thought at the time that we have let the era of war, and we began the era of peace and security and production.

But it soon changed when we faced a new wave of a vicious war called "terrorism" that began in the 1990s, and then escalated until today, the world has become mired in the east and west.

The hope was that the third millennium would descend upon us, the waves of violence and terrorism and the killing of innocent men, women and children had subsided, but it was a third time that we were overwhelmed by the bombing of the Twin Towers in New York on the atheist atheist of the twenty-first century, which Islam and Muslims paid dearly , And took the billion and a half billion Muslims with the crime of individuals not more than the number of fingers, has exploited this incident negatively exploited the temptation of the international "media" to portray Islam in the form of religion thirst for bloodshed, and portraying Muslims in the form of savage barbarians became a serious threat to the incitement And the civilized societies. This media has succeeded in spreading feelings of hatred and fear in the hearts of Westerners of Islam and Muslims, and seized upon them a state of terror not only from terrorists, but from everything that is Islamic in its entirety.
Ladies and Gentlemen!

The "brotherhood document", which we celebrate today from this good land, was born on a dignified table where I was a guest of my dear brother and friend Francis at his home, when he was one of the young people present at this blessed table. I received a warm welcome and appreciation from His Holiness, And the tragedies of the dead, the poor, the wretched, the widows, the orphans, the oppressed and the frightened, the fleeing from their homes, their lands and their families, and what the divine religions can offer as a lifeline for these miserable people. What surprises me is that the concerns of His Holiness and my fears were most identical Stay and accomplished and completed, and that all of us felt the sanctity of responsibility Christespena God in the Hereafter, and dear friend was merciful to suffer the tragedies of the people all of the people. Without distinction, discrimination or reservation.

The most salient of what we have accepted is that the divine religions, innocent of all innocence of the movements and armed groups, newly called "terrorism", whatever religion or belief or thought, or the victims, or the land on which the crimes are carried out abhorrent .. These killers and slaughterers And that the officials in the east and west to do their duty to track down these aggressors and address them with all force, to protect the lives of people and their beliefs and the role of their worship of their crimes.

We also accept that religions have unanimously agreed to forbid blood, and that God has forbidden the killing of the soul in all his divine messages: "Moses did not steal!" (Peace be upon him) from the mountain of Galilee, near Kfar Nahum in Palestine, "in his treasure of moral morality" called the sermon of the mountain, Jesus Christ confirmed what Moses said, and increased it in saying: "You heard that it was said I say to you, "Whoever is angry with his brother is subject to the judgment of the judiciary ..." And whoever said to him, "You ignorant, you have required the fire of hell" (Muhammad)? And he announced to the people from above Mount Arafat in his last sermon called farewell speech, announced what his brothers announced before him, and also added: "O people, I and God, I do not know why I do not meet you after two days, this is my place, God bless a man who heard my article today (...) O people, your blood and your money and your symptoms on you is haraam, like the sanctity of your day, in this country, and you will give your Lord, and ask you about your actions ... Not to tell the witness of you absent. "He used to say: God between him and loved on the Day of Resurrection .. He pointed to his brother Hodeidah, the angels curse him, although his brother to his father and his mother.

This to dozens of Koranic verses that deny the killing of the soul, and declare that whoever killed a soul as if he killed all people and those who revive it as if he revived all people. .

You note your unity, the unity of the divine speech and the unity of its meaning, but the unity of the platforms addressed by these distinguished prophets: Mount Sinai in Sinai, Mount of the Mountains of Palestine, Mount Arafat in Makkah in the Arabian Peninsula.

It is clear from this that it is not true that religions are the post war and its main reason, and that history has witnessed this, which justified the revolution of modern civilization on religion and ethics, and the exclusion from interference in the affairs of societies, after this passage - the flow of fire in the wild - In the consciousness of the people and young people, especially in the West, and were behind the spread of calls for atheism and material philosophies and doctrines of chaos and hostility and freedom without a roof, and replacing the experimental science replaced "religion," and yet, after more than three centuries of the revolution against God and divine religions came Catastrophic by any measure, was a tragic human A contemporary, which can not be denied only arrogant ..

The right to be paid for this crime is that the first reasons for the crisis of the contemporary world today are due to the absence of human conscience and the absence of religious ethics, and the control of material and atheistic tendencies and desires and the futile sterile philosophies that have humiliated man and ridiculed God and those who believe in him. The transcendent, which is the only officer to restrain the human and tame the "wolf" that dwells between its wings ..

The wars that were launched in the name of "religions", and killed people under the banner of religions do not ask them, but ask about this kind of reckless policies that have been the exploitation of some men of religions and involve them for purposes not known by religion and respect, and we recognize that there are men of religions From whose sacred texts are interpreted as corrupt, we never admit that reading a religion is a clean, honest reading that never allows those misguided misfits to associate correctly with any divine religion, nor justify betraying their faith in communicating it to people as God has revealed.

However, this deviation in the understanding of religious texts is not confined to the texts of religions and exploitation in the aggression against people, but often happens in the political markets, when reading the texts of the international conventions that sponsor the maintenance of world peace read a special reading justify the war on safe countries, The heads of their people, and there is no objection after these policies dictate their lusts aggressive aggression .. There is no objection to apologize to the mourners, orphans and widows that it was mistaken calculation and appreciation. Examples are crystal clear in the fourth day.

In order to do so, we have called for the cessation of the use of religions and doctrines to incite hatred, violence and blind fanaticism, to desist from using the name of God to justify acts of murder, displacement, terrorism and oppression. The entire world reminded us that God did not create people to kill, torture or restrict them in their lives and pensions. ... and God - Almighty - in the wealth of those who call him to kill lives or terrorize others in his name. "

I am sure that these necessary initiatives and good moves towards the realization of the human brotherhood in our Arab region will bear fruit, and I have begun, thankfully, strongly in Egypt Al-Mahrousa, where a few days ago opened the first and largest mosque and adjacent church in the new administrative capital. Towards the promotion of tolerance and the consolidation of interfaith brothers, and a pioneering trial by President Abdel Fattah Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

I have a word to say to my fellow Muslims in the East, that you continue to embrace your fellow Christian citizens everywhere; they are our partners in the homeland, and our brothers who remind us of our holy Quran that they are the closest to us. That they are priests and monks and that they are not arrogant? [The table: 82], Christians - all Christians - their hearts filled with goodness and mercy and mercy, and God is the one who made in their hearts these virtues .. This is recorded by the Holy Quran in the verse in Surat Al Hadid: We stood Jesus son of Mary and the Bible and made us The hearts of those who followed him with compassion and mercy? [Iron: 27].

We Muslims must not forget that Christianity embraced Islam, when it was a religion and a child, and its protection from the tyranny of idolatry and polytheism, which was looking forward to his assassination in the cradle, when he ordered the Prophet? The most vulnerable of his companions, and most of his followers when they intensified the harm of Quraysh and said to them: "Go to Abyssinia, there is a king does not oppress anyone in his vicinity" was received by this Christian king in his Christian state, and Akramhm and protect them from Quraish, and then returned to Medina after the intensified Oud Islam and settled on the market.
Another word for my fellow Christians in the East: You are part of this nation, and you are citizens. You are a minority, and you know that our unity is the only rock in which the conspiracies that do not differentiate between a Christian and a Muslim are destroyed.

My message to the Muslim citizens in the West is to integrate into your communities a positive integration, in which you maintain your religious identity and maintain the respect of the laws of these societies, and know that the security of these societies is a responsibility of legitimacy and a religious secretariat in your neck you ask for before God. Violating your law and resorting to legal methods, they can restore the rights to you and protect your freedom.

As I say to the youth of the world in the West and the East: The future smiles at you, and you have to be armed with ethics, knowledge and knowledge, and you have to make this document a constitution for the principles of your life, make it a guarantee for a future free of conflict and pain. Make it a pact of good for evil. For hatred .. teach your children this document is an extension of the document Medina, and the preaching of the mountain, a guardian of the humanitarian participants and moral principles .. I will work with my brother the Holy Holiness, in the rest of us old, and with all religious symbols in order to protect communities and stability, I pay tribute to the forum Which was held here in Abu Dhabi last November and was supported by Al-Azhar and the Vatican, and attended by a number of religious leaders to carry out their responsibilities to protect the dignity of the child.

In conclusion, I would like to thank His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, for sponsoring this historic initiative and for embracing the "Document of Human Fraternity" which we hope will be followed by the establishment of peace among peoples. Love and mutual respect between East and West and North and South.

I also thank His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and all the distinguished youth who arranged, arranged and directed this meeting.

I thank the unknown soldiers who were behind the preparation of the "Document of Human Fraternity" from its inception until its appearance today in this world event, namely: My dear sons, Judge / Mohamed Abdel Salam, the former adviser to the sheikh of Al Azhar, and the father. Yoannis Lahzi Good - Personal Secretary of His Holiness Pope Francis, for whom and for all who contributed to the success of this meeting sincere thanks and appreciation and respect.

Thanks for your kind attention.

Peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.

The Grand Imam Dr. Ahmed Al - Tayeb

Sheikh of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif