As stated in the press release of the Investigative Committee received by RT, the translator Arashukova was provided.

Senator Arashukov was charged under three articles of the Criminal Code.

He is accused of participation in a criminal community (part 3 of article 210 of the Criminal Code), murder (part 2 of article 105) and pressure on a witness (part 4 of article 309).

Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia, Rauf Arashukov, was detained on January 30 during a meeting in the Federation Council. He is suspected of involvement in contract killings. Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko said that the senator tried to leave the chamber during the report of Prosecutor General Yury Chaika on the charges against him, but she asked him to return to his seat.

His father, Raul Arashukov, was also detained.