Paris Saint-Germain-Neymar began a long week-long treatment trip after suffering a foot injury during his France Cup match at Strasbourg last month.

Neymar has a video clip on his personal social networking platforms, and he is using "crutches" to go to the gymnasium, where he continues to recover from a broken leg through physiotherapy exercises and intense electric sessions.

. @ neymarjr gives OTRO an exclusive look as he begins his road to recovery. We can not wait to see you back on the pitch. #OurOtherClub

- OTRO (@OTRO) February 2, 2019

The Brazilian star showed pain and he performed some hard work, under the supervision of his personal trainer and the doctor overseeing his treatment.

Neymar - who has scored 20 goals and contributed 11 assists in the Premier League this season - will not play in the Champions League quarter-final against Manchester United because of injury.