Security expert Nick Sukenik calls for the fall of Facebook and does not rely on his management for errors, and finds that the fall of this popular social site will create a lot of good alternatives.

An article by Hacker Nun discussed the experience of information security expert Nick Sukenik with Facebook, where he spent six months in the company, before resigning because of the incompatibility of tasks entrusted to him with his aspirations.

Sukenick sees many of the evidence that suggests the beginning of Facebook's collapse, primarily the company's quest for any social networking application that threatens its empire, confirming that Facebook's mission is to control the largest data collection in history.

What Facebook has done so far is a real achievement from a technical perspective. From a social perspective, the strength and dominance of the company is a threat to society itself, especially since it has the power to influence people's emotions, threaten democracy, and violate privacy. About its potential to deepen violent conflicts.

Specialized social sites are the solution
The writer explained that all these reasons should lead us to accept the fall of Facebook, and the establishment of specialized sites bear more responsibility in return, where we must reduce our dependence on Facebook in the performance of all our tasks.

It is therefore important to stay away from social networking sites dedicated to talking about all topics and to start using specialized contact sites.

Socnick explains how social networking sites will go towards specialization, each with a specific design that revolves around a particular subject or content, in a move that we can call "the division of labor into social networking sites."

This does not mean that the world will see several versions of Facebook, such as a Facebook or Facebook dedicated to fans of Disney. Users who are similar to their interests will be able to go to a specific location dedicated to providing these services.

Specialized applications are the alternative to the comprehensive Facebook site as the author (Anatolia)

The YouTube site goes like this, adding a special messaging feature among users, which means that there is no need to copy video links to the Facebook Messenger application for instant conversations if you want to share with your friends, and this social feature can be shared videos On Youtube.

In addition to YouTube, SoundCloud has followed the same path as users are able to talk to each other. As well as the Yaleb and Pantherst publishing sites, and LinkedIn's professional networking site, all of which added user communication features.

The specialist sites serve a specific purpose, after determining the type of content you will be processing, allocating resources to deal with the content in the best way possible, and hiring people with a great understanding of what they are doing so that they can create and publish the content.

The goal is to improve the product rather than gather as much information as possible about the interests of different users.

Age of specialized platforms
Reedit co-founder Alexis Ohanyan seems to support this belief by saying that people want to belong to smaller digital communities that include people who share the same interests, as an alternative to normal social networking sites.

"We will begin to see more platforms specialized in specific content and services, which will begin to circumvent a portion of Facebook's market share gradually as users migrate to these platforms to better suit their needs. Sites and specialized platforms in each of the services provided by Facebook at the moment.

Every great empire will fall, and when it reaches a certain point, its managers have a lot of responsibilities and points to organize, which are constantly intertwined to make the most advanced elements of artificial intelligence incapable of adapting them. Instead of prolonging the demise of Facebook, it would be better to start moving towards splitting social networking sites and reviewing the digital media system.