They will not let go. For many "yellow vests" Facebook group "France angry", "the fifth act will take place Saturday". Despite the many calls for calm government in recent days, especially after the announcements of Emmanuel Macron Monday and the attack in Strasbourg on Tuesday, protesters seem to remain mobilized. The police device will be identical to that of last week in Paris. And should even be strengthened in some provincial cities.

"Yellow vests" still determined ...

Mobilization, whose pulse is mostly on social networks, does not seem to be weakening. Many calls to an "act V" bring together several thousand "participants" on Facebook.

"We must be in solidarity with the victims of Strasbourg and fully determined to continue the movement," write the directors of the group "Yellow Vests". After four weeks of demonstrations in which six people lost their lives, including one in the night from Wednesday to Thursday near Avignon, the "yellow vests" are still determined. Eric Drouet, emblematic figure of this movement, calls to "do not give up" on his Facebook account. "This is the moment where we have to continue," he says in a video. "What Macron did on Monday is a call to continue because he's starting to let go of something and coming from him is unusual."

Indeed, for a large number of "yellow vests", announcements made by the government are not enough. "If we have to stay until Easter, we'll do it," said Gérard, a yellow jacket from Chambéry, to the journalists of the liberated Dauphine. In Toulouse, where overflows were deplored last week, demonstrations are already scheduled Saturday, early afternoon. The demonstrators of the Pink City will join before for a snail operation. Moreover, blocking points will take place everywhere in France: Gironde, Isère, or in Savoie, according to a census of local media.

Fifteen organizations, including the Solidaires trade union, the association Attac and Right to housing, also invite in a statement to support and join the demonstration of "yellow vests" Saturday.

... despite many calls for calm in the terrorist context

But all "yellow vests" are not on this "hard" line. This is particularly the case in Strasbourg, where Tuesday's attack, which killed four people, cooled the heat. Even before the demonstration in the Alsatian capital was banned by the authorities, some demonstrators advocated its cancellation. No national ban has been decreed for other cities but "this attack is proof that the terrorist threat is still there, well present," said Interior Minister Christophe Castaner on Europe 1 Friday.

The announcements of the President of the Republic, Monday, also encouraged some unhappy to lift the foot. "The time for dialogue has come" for the group of "free yellow vests", which calls for a truce. Although many of the government measures are considered "insufficient" by many demonstrators, doubts remain about the number of people mobilized this Saturday.

The divided political class

For their part, political personalities are as divided as the "yellow vests" themselves. The government continues its calls for calm. His spokesman, Benjamin Griveaux, encouraged the protesters to be "reasonable" and "not to protest". "I would prefer the police to do their real job rather than secure roundabouts," said Christophe Castaner in "yellow vests" on Europe 1.

The opposition, hitherto rather united in the support of the demonstration, begins to disperse. It is without reserve that insubordinate France calls for an act V of mobilization. The "yellow vests would have any interest in continuing to try to sell Emmanuel Macron," said this week Eric Coquerel, LFI, on France 3. "They are not satisfied, very broadly, the measures announced.We will be with them in mobilizations. "

Conversely, the Republicans are on the side of a stop movement. Tuesday on BFM TV, regretting the violence of the previous mobilizations, Laurent Wauquiez wished that "there is no manifestation". The PS, for its part, has adopted a cautious position, saying Friday that it was time for the government "change course", in the words of its first secretary Olivier Faure, but without announcing clear support.

A police device "similar to last week"

Michel Delpuech, prefect of police, announced Friday on RTL that the police would be new very mobilized this Saturday everywhere in France. In Paris, nearly 8,000 police and gendarmes will be in the streets with fourteen armored vehicles of the gendarmerie at their side. This device, similar to that of last week, must quickly control the thugs and destroy possible barricades. As December 8 also, checks will be conducted "as early as [Friday] evening to detect those who come to Paris to fight by carrying weapons on them," warned Michel Delpuech. According to him, it is necessary "to prepare oneself for the situation which could be the worst".

On the rest of the territory too, CRS will be deployed. For the city of Saint-Etienne alone, 340 members of the police force were mobilized, against 270 police last Saturday. An increase in numbers decided after the many excesses observed on December 8th. In Bordeaux, where climbing has also been very violent, the town hall has already announced the closure of some services. Trams will be interrupted in the afternoon and many cultural institutions will remain closed.

Disturbed transport in Paris

Once again, the Paris public transport network will be impacted by the demonstration of "yellow vests". Preventively, the RATP decided to close many metro and bus stops. Line 1 will be closed from Bastille to Argentina, while the 8th will not run between Concorde and Ecole Militaire. On the 7 and the 9, the central stations will be closed. Finally, the RER C will also be highly disturbed. All details are to be found here.