An international team of scientists said the subsoil might contain much more scattered diamonds than previously thought. The sound waves of a June 19 study revealed huge amounts of underground diamonds, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced yesterday. Scientists have begun to study vibration fluctuations and found something surprising and shiny.

It should be noted that the Geological Survey and other agencies maintain global records of vibrational data, used to track many things, including the source of any earthquake, and in some patches of the earth's crust, called keratons, the sound waves move much faster than expected.

Diamonds are estimated to be about 90 to 150 miles underground, much further than any mining mission that has been implemented but is difficult to reach

Through experiments on some rocks, scientists found that one of them contained an amazing percentage of 1% to 2% of the useful diamonds of the keraton, because it helps them to stay stable and maintain from erosion and preserve the oldest rocks of the planet.

Scientists have estimated that there are more than a thousand times the number of diamonds below the surface than previously thought.

Volcanic eruptions bring diamonds to the surface of the earth through the formation of kimberlite tubes, which can emit magma and diamonds. Scientists say it makes sense to find diamonds in keratons because the kimberlite tubes are located on the edges of the karonic roots.

Diamonds are estimated to be about 90 to 150 miles underground, much further than any mining mission that has been carried out but is hard to reach.