The Saudi website Elaph quoted what he said was an Israeli security source saying that Israel "does not trust the news emanating from Turkey regarding the Khashoggi issue, but rather believes in what Saudi Arabia is saying."

Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi disappeared on the afternoon of October 2 after the Saudi consulate entered Istanbul and did not leave.

Turkish security sources said they had records showing Khashoggi had been killed by a Saudi security team inside the consulate and his body had been dismembered and taken out in diplomatic cars to unknown places.

Turkish police searched the Saudi consulate on Monday and the home of consul Mohammed al-Otaibi on Tuesday. Turkish prosecutors said the search provided clues to support Khashoggi's murder and dismemberment.

The Saudi authorities have denied their knowledge of what happened to Khashoggi and promised to open an extensive investigation into the disappearance.

The Saudi consulate in Istanbul said Khashoggi had left her 20 minutes after her entry, but gave no evidence and said the surveillance cameras were not registered at the moment he entered and exited.

The Israeli source to the site of Elaf that "Israel is closely monitoring developments in this matter," and that the news published from time to time "are not based on evidence or facts, but comes within the framework of the forefront of political tensions between several countries."

The source added that "Israel is interested in this issue, like many countries in the world, but it did not take a position pending the results of the investigation of the Turkish-Saudi joint team, and Saudi internal investigations."