After more than a year of heating up Twitter and leading the so-called Arab e-fly battalions, the adviser at the Saudi Royal Court found himself scrapped by decision-making circles and influence.

To date, no connection has been shown between al-Qahtani and the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, but his dismissal brought him back to the forefront of his supervision of the campaign to deny the man's death and attack anyone who raised the issue.

Saud al-Qahtani entered the political scene from the gate of the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, where he worked with him adviser and described as his hand and mind and his reputation and vision.

As soon as Saudi Arabia recognized Khashji's death, Saud al-Qahtani was dismissed from his post as adviser to the Royal Court, along with Major General Ahmed Asiri, deputy head of intelligence.

But Qahtani is still in charge of what he calls cybersecurity and what is widely described as e-fly campaigns on social media.

For 18 days, the Saudi official discourse was characterized by confusion and stuttering over the issue of Jamal Khashoggi, and the rare statements were about denial.

During this period, al-Qahtani's armies of apostates led thousands of Twitters once to deny Khashoggi's death and once again to mourn the uproar raised by his disappearance at his consulate.

Moreover, e-flies have mastered the launching of systematic counter-campaigns in which states, personalities and political currents were blamed for Khashoggi's disappearance.

Thousands of accounts fought relentlessly for media reports and Turkish leaks, and even for the mere question of Khashoggi's fate.

Flies and Soma launched the Saudi novel and insulted Qatar, Al-Jazeera and Turkey, accusing it of being involved with the Washington Post and the New York Times, and humanitarian organizations and organizations in a plot aimed at Saudi Arabia.

Flies fly
Now that the Saudis have discovered that Khashoggi has actually been killed inside the consulate, it has become clear that the electronic fly armies have contributed significantly to broadcasting a lie and hiding the features of a crime.

But this frantic work was not signed by the adviser, Saud al-Qahtani, who is presented as a difficult task man in the Crown Prince's team.

The man has already said that he does not shake his head, that is, he does not act on his own, but in obedience to the orders of his lord the king and his heir.

Khashoggi's body is still missing, but his spirit has expelled al-Qahtani from the Diwan and al-Asiri from the intelligence service. He has attacked Gulf and Arab regimes. Saudi Arabia has ratified the denial and then quickly praised it when it decided to recognize it.