Saturday morning, the gray will envelop the northern half of the country, while the south will enjoy the beautiful fixed with temperatures that will exceed 22 degrees in places.

Saturday, on the neighboring regions of the Channel, the Pays de la Loire, the Center, and the Ile de France, morning greyness will be present with locally fogs that will slowly dissipate. During the day, Normandy and the Hauts-de-France will keep a busy sky, a few drops can escape the clouds. From Brittany to Lorraine, the sky will be variable, cloudy and cloud in the program.

Some frosts in places. On the rest of the country, except for some mists located in Val de Saone, Lorraine and along the Rhine, good weather will be everywhere, we note some cumulus on the Pyrenean relief in the afternoon. The minimum temperatures will range from -1 to 6 degrees, except in the Mediterranean, where they will show values ​​of 6 to 14 degrees. The maximum will be pleasant and above the average of 3 to 7 degrees, with 16 to 23 degrees from north to south, or 24 on the country of Nice, they are cooler but still slightly above the seasonal averages on the Channel coast with 11 to 16 degrees.