After a first evening of student integration in September 2018, in Normandy, in Saint-Lô (Manche), the Students Office of the School of Management and Commerce wishes to federate all students saint-laws.

"Last year there was nothing organized. We wanted to remedy this, " says, satisfied with his success, Jean-Baptiste Lebreuilly, a second-year student at the School of Management and Commerce (EGC) of Saint-Lô (Manche). Thursday, September 20, 2018, the Normandy hosted the first integration evening of the year for students.

A project launched by Jean-Baptiste Lebreuilly, as part of his studies, and four other young people from the school.

A total of 400 students answered the call and attended the techno house concert of two DJs from MAD Brains, Fred H and Mac Declos.

This desire to energize the student life of Saint-Lô, Théo Desfaudais, from the Manchurian prefecture, has it too. Last year, then in the first year of his bac + 3, he managed to organize a few evenings, Thursday evening: "A good part of the EGC comes every time. Friends of friends are grafted to us too, " says the 22-year-old student of the Student Office (BDE).

Nightclub outings

The world attracts the world, it is known. The evening begins at the bar Le Castel, "with a bracelet system at the entrance" , the festive atmosphere continues, for the more adventurous, in the night bar The Sunset. "We also organized parties in the nightclub Le Milton in Baudre. The disco was almost full, " he says.

Theo, along with the other seven members of the BDE, wants to go further: federate all students saint-laws. "Before, I was in Caen for my studies. We will not hide that it moved more than in Saint-Lô. "

Knowing his hometown, he knows many young people of his age among the 1,850 students in the city. He has several ideas in mind: bowling, laser game, treasure hunt ... And, of course, the evenings of Thursday night. "It's a long process of communication," he says. But to animate Saint-Lô, it must. "