The Saint-Martin millennium fair began this Saturday, November 10, 2018 in Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët. At the end of the weekend the assessment is rather positive.

"A Saint-Martin like this weekend is the best Saint-Martin possible, rejoices Patrice Deniau, assistant at the fair and markets in Saint-Hilaire. It was crowded but not too much so visitors could still move around. It's perfect for traders and walkers. A good St. Martin is when traders have worked well. "

The deputy admits it is not a "record year. And besides, we will have a hard time doing it in the coming years. The security aspect takes over for some people. "

No particular problem was noted during the weekend. St. Martin remains faithful to itself, even if it evolves: "Twenty years ago, we came to the fair to do business. Today, we make contacts. "

The fair continues this Tuesday, November 13 in Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët.