The singer Hollysiz is invited to Saint-Avé, this Friday, November 2, 2018. Interview with a sparkling artist before his stay in L'Échonova.

A sweet face, a warm smile, a white dress that gives her an angelic look, Hollysiz will be in concert, this Friday, November 2, 2018, L'Échonova confides. "Music has always been part of my life, I do not remember moments without melodies. "

As a child, the young Cécile Cassel, now known as the Hollysiz scene, climbed on her grandmother's lap to learn piano chords. This passion she also saw through dance, which she learned very young. "Music and dance are linked to the body".

Then the teenager decided to discover the theater with the company Les Sales Gosses. " I wanted to make a musical, I only needed the theater" . Almost in spite of her, Cécile Cassel, barely major, wins a role in the series The Great Boss . Then follows a film career, during which she will cross the road of big names in French cinema such as Marion Cotillard, Vincent Elbaz or foreign artists such as Spain's Penélope Cruz and South Africa's Charlize Theron.

It was in 2008 that the actress launched into the world of music. Exit Cécile Cassel, Hollysiz was born. "I have several expression vectors, but always with the same instrument: my body. I was not aware that this first album spoke about me, that he was very intimate. It scared me. "

For her second album, Rather Than Talking , released in 2018, she was inspired by her travels. "I really wanted to leave the Parisian circle," says the singer. Then there is a departure for the USA, Los Angeles, a visit to Cuba and almost a year in New York. "It's not the same to write a title in New York or Cuba," says Hollysiz.

It is through her lyrics that the singer talks about diversity, her various commitments, which reflect the news. " I have always supported causes, as a woman. But depending on the context, my lyrics become more engaged, like same-sex marriage, where I released my title The Light , which talks about a little boy who wants to dress like a girl, " he recalls. 'artist. A passionate and committed woman, in L'Échonova!

Friday, November 2, 2018, at 8:30 pm, at L'Échonova, in Saint-Avé. Rates: from 22 to 27 €.