Ryabkov noted that the Russian side stressed "deep concern about the crisis of the arms control system, which is only aggravated with the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty."

“French colleagues are concerned about this too. They are looking for, if not answers to these questions, then at least the ways and approaches to how to tackle this new situation, how to comprehend it and what could be done in this connection. We welcome this attitude, ”RIA Novosti quotes Ryabkov.

He also stressed that Russia, in accordance with the directive of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, will not initiate new negotiations with the United States in this area. "

"Colleagues in Washington should be ready to understand that ensuring their security, ensuring European global security is still more effective to achieve, achieve this goal not by means of a race for ephemeral superiority in the field of armaments, because they never achieve absolute superiority - we will we will not allow it - but by searching for solutions, existing problems at the negotiating table, ”Ryabkov added.

On February 2, Russian leader Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow would suspend its participation in the INF Treaty after a similar US move.

Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, Yury Shvytkin, in an interview with the FAN, assessed the role of the treaty in ensuring world order.