In his letter to the head of US naval operations, Admiral John Richardson, the attack on Russia and China is an aggressive tone that foreshadows a nuclear war.

Rizchikov said in an article published by the Russian newspaper "Vazgliad" that this aggressive rhetoric comes after the strengthening of Russia's control of the major sea lanes, where experts believe that the United States is beginning to feel the loss of geopolitical dominance.

The deputy secretary-general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Alexander Vershbow, has pointed out what the United States should do as Russia increasingly takes over major sea lanes.

Mr Richardson said that after Russia tightened its control of major sea lanes, it was time to launch an American attack against it.

The United States began monitoring Russia's maritime business closely (Reuters)

Control of Russia
The author notes that the United States began to closely monitor Russia's maritime work, as well as several calls to contain Russian ships in national waters.

At the end of last year, more than 40 senators appealed to President Donald Trump "to lead a multinational operation to ensure freedom of navigation in the Black Sea" to "show support for internationally recognized borders and bilateral agreements concluded," he said.

Richardson accused Russia of obstructing freedom of movement in the Azov Sea. He also referred to the Russian presence in the eastern Mediterranean, which is troubling the United States, and urged his country to consider putting an end to Russia's influence on sea lanes and pressuring it at the same time.

The senator and member of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian Federation, Oleg Morzov, believes that the remarks of the US Admiral signal the possibility of the use of weapons and the outbreak of nuclear war.

Any potential conflict between the United States and Russia is fraught with nuclear weapons and warns of a major war (Reuters)

nuclear weapons
According to the Russian politician, given the current situation in the world, any possible conflict between the United States and Russia is fraught with the use of nuclear weapons, and may turn into a major war.

"We still have the hope that the individuals in control of the war in the United States will not respond to these statements, as it is impossible to manipulate the fate of humanity," Morzov wrote.

The writer says experts believe the remarks made by the US admiral implicitly imply that the United States is losing its geopolitical hegemony in the world.

Many countries believe that Russia will remain a weak state, while this is wrong, as Russia and China are constantly growing stronger.

He added that Russia denies the United States and Western countries to dominate the important sea routes.

Russia managed to strengthen its influence in the Black Sea after its annexation of the Crimea in 2014 (European)

Strengthening influence
The author attributed to the expert and military policy scientist Alexander Berndjev say that Russia was able to strengthen its influence in the Black Sea, after the annexation of the Crimea in 2014.

Russia has also boosted its influence in the Mediterranean, thanks to the Syrian naval base in Tartous, he said, adding that it provides Moscow with the opportunity to strengthen its geopolitical position in the world.

He believes that controlling the world's most important maritime bases is one of the key areas for obtaining geopolitical advantages.

Berndjev was quoted as saying that there were discussions to deploy new military bases, where the Russian navy was negotiating with Egypt.

Complex tasks
The United States is aware of these talks and is aware that the implementation of such projects will lead to the loss of its full influence in the world and will therefore have to face more complex tasks.

"If Richardson strikes Russia, Russia will strike at the United States, which will destroy it," he told the editor of the National Defense magazine, Igor Koruchinko.

Any US strike against Russia would cause Russia to respond with a blow that would destroy the whole American fleet, Korukinko said.

"They should not forget that Russia has an important nuclear missile capability, and those who believe in its capabilities do not talk much," he said. "It's very bad that the United States has such military personnel."

Berndjev is convinced that Russia should not feel nervous when it responds, but be guided by the classic methods of conflict in which pressure must be sustained and then pushed slowly to victory.

The expert says Russia is quietly resisting pressure and moving more to expand its geopolitical influence, and there is no need to answer the Americans for their threats to launch the war. The strong party does not make much of the statements but does.