The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Friday its readiness to hold a meeting between the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah) and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Moscow, "to contribute to national reconciliation between them," reported the agency, "Interfax" local news.

Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said that the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, had been invited "and accepted, and it is likely that the meeting will be early next year."

Bogdanov, the Russian presidential envoy for the Middle East and African countries, said an agreement was being reached on both sides to form a delegation led by Haniyeh. "We have already expressed some of our wishes on this matter."

For his part, welcomed Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki, Moscow's efforts to achieve national reconciliation, and said in an interview with the channel Russia today, "There is no harm in our view that the Russian leadership try to contribute as much as possible to close the rows to strengthen the effort towards reconciliation, Additional support efforts that support the Egyptian efforts we welcome. "

On Sunday, Haniyeh said he was ready to meet President Mahmoud Abbas anywhere to discuss the arrangement of an expanded Palestinian meeting and agree on agendas for national action for the next stage.

The past two months witnessed intensive rounds of Egyptian delegations between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and Israel to complete talks led by Cairo on the file of reconciliation and truce between the Israeli occupation and the factions in Gaza.

The current reconciliation talks are one of dozens of rounds that have been held between the Palestinian factions since the beginning of the state of Palestinian division in 2007, in Cairo and many Arab capitals, but the "failure" was doomed.

The last reconciliation agreement was on 12 October 2017, but it was not fully implemented, due to major disagreements over several issues, including the empowerment of the government and the file of Gaza employees appointed by Hamas during its rule.