This is reported by "Izvestia", citing a study.

It is noted that in compiling the list a number of indicators were taken into account: the number of accidents due to poor road conditions (NDU), the number of injured and killed in such accidents, the length of the region’s roads and the size of the fleet.

According to the center, the most dangerous roads were in the Chelyabinsk region, where the total security index was 3.05. It is specified that in this region the number of accidents due to NDU exceeded 4.3 thousand. As a result, 356 people died in these accidents.

The second place in the rating went to the Omsk region, and the Saratov region closes the top three.

The safest, according to the research center, is the Tomsk region with an index of 1.05. Behind it goes the Tambov and Tyumen regions.

In February, the TV channel “360” reported that in the Moscow region they reported about a decrease in mortality due to road accidents by 8.3% in 2018.