The Federal Republic of Russia has exempted UAE nationals from regular passport holders from their previous visa.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation announced that as of Sunday, UAE nationals will be able to travel to the Russian Federation without prior visas.

The exemption was issued on the basis of the agreement signed in the Russian city of Kazan in the presence of HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Minister of Trade and Industry of the Russian Federation, Denis Mantorov, on July 6, 2018, according to which all passports Of visa requirements for citizens of the United Arab Emirates and citizens of the Russian Federation.

At the time, the agreement was signed by the state's ambassador to the Russian Federation, Harib al-Khaili and Russian Ambassador Alexander Yevimov.

Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Ahmed Sari Al Mazrouei said that the decision of the Russian government to exempt UAE nationals from previous visas is the result of a number of factors that encouraged the Russian government to take this initiative, which undoubtedly reflects the UAE's standing and strong reputation internationally, Strength and robustness of its international network.

He added that this initiative comes in the light of the growing bilateral relations between the UAE and Russian Federation and will open new horizons for the country's citizens for tourism, investment, trade and cultural exchange. "The exemption of the citizens of the country from the visa of the Russian Federation has a positive impact and reflects the UAE's position on the scene. International relations, and the respect and confidence of Russia, and its desire to strengthen relations with it and to promote common interests in all fields by opening its doors to UAE citizens without a prior visa.

The initiative of the Russian government to exempt UAE nationals from previous visas is an important achievement in addition to the achievements of UAE diplomacy led by His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan. This decision also translated into strong historical relations based on mutual cooperation in various political and economic fields. And commercial.

Diplomatic relations between the UAE and the Russian Federation were established in 1971. The UAE opened its embassy in Moscow in 1987. The Federal Republic of Russia opened its embassy in Abu Dhabi in 1986. In December 1991, the United Arab Emirates recognized the Russian Federation as a state Heir to the Soviet Union.

The two friendly countries have strong and growing economic and trade relations. Non-oil trade between the UAE and Russia in 2017 reached 2.527 billion US dollars. The number of Russian citizens who visited the UAE in 2017 reached 579,608, The number of UAE tourists who visited Russia during the year 2016, was 1,085 visitors.

The number of weekly flights between the two countries is 84 flights, operated by the UAE's national carriers. Etihad operates seven passenger flights, Emirates operates 28 passenger flights, Flay Dubai 35 passengers and 14 flights. Passengers.