The director of the National Dramatic Center of Normandy-Rouen has lodged a complaint against Isabelle Barbéris, expert at the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Ile-de-France, for insults of a homophobic nature.

"We filed this morning a complaint with civil suit to the Dean of Investigating Judges of the TGI of Paris about a fake Facebook account created by Ms. Barbéris in May 2018," told AFP Tewfik Bouzenoune , lawyer David Bobée, director of the National Dramatic Center of Normandy-Rouen.

"On this account, we saw the photo of a seal and a bathroom door with a transgender pictogram," denounced the lawyer, seeing "an allusion to homosexual public knowledge of his client." According to Mr. Bouzenoune, the "remarks, outrageous and offensive [...] have no other purpose than to damage his personal and professional reputation."

"It's a page meant to make people laugh, it's just mockery. There is nothing homophobic in my approach, " said Isabelle Barbéris, also a lecturer at the University Paris-Diderot, who said he deleted the account " after receiving death threats. "