“Both with us and with the Americans this fish is caught, frozen and sent to China next to us. Americans send 90% of their pollock for processing in China, we are also a very significant amount. There it is mixed in one mass, and it is impossible to determine whose fish it is, ”Ryakova quoted Rykov as saying.

He noted that Russia sells pollock for processing to China, and not directly to the United States.

“Our direct shipments of pollock to the United States in the first 11 months of 2018 amounted to only 400 tons for $ 500 thousand. This is what we supply exclusively for the Russian communities of the United States, for diasporas,” said the representative of the Federal Agency for Fishery.

He noted that the information that the Russian pollock occupied a niche in the amount of $ 200 million is incorrect.

Earlier, CNN TV channel said that the trade policy of US President Donald Trump led to the fact that fish sticks are served mostly from Russian pollock in canteens of American schools.