The Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, yesterday afternoon, suffered a slight earthquake, felt by some residents, according to assurances of the National Center for Meteorology, which he stressed that it was not effective on the state. The center reported that the earthquake monitoring stations at 14:54 yesterday afternoon a slight earthquake, not more than 3.6 degrees on the Richter scale, felt by residents in Ras Al Khaimah, pointing out that the quake was centered on the island of Qeshm in southern Iran, a force of 5.0 degrees On the Richter scale, its impact extended to about 42 kilometers within the emirate.

The official website of the Center has identified preventive measures that should be carried out when a strong earthquake is felt, both inside and outside the buildings or in the vehicles, stressing the need to maintain calm and proper and rapid behavior by choosing the safe place.

He explained that when a person feels a strong earthquake inside his residence or work, he should take four steps. First, protect the head and face with anything light and strong available, hide under a strong table or under the bed or go to the distributor inside the house or the stairs. The separation of windows and external walls, libraries, glass and suspended objects, and the third at the end of the impact of the earthquake prefer to disconnect the power supply and the closure of gas and water sources in the house before leaving, and finally when leaving the place must avoid stampede during the exit, and the use of elevators.

The center pointed out that if people feel any earthquake while they are abroad, three quick measures should be taken. First, move away from the tall buildings, the second to the nearest exposed area, observe the flying objects and stones, the unstable walls and not attempt to enter the buildings. Tunnels, electric wires, high-pressure poles, lighting poles, trees and shop fronts.

In the event of an earthquake while driving the vehicle, the center called for three measures, the first being the need to stand in the nearest safe place, the second to stay in the car until the end of the earthquake, and the last to stand away from bridges and intersections of roads and buildings and trees and power lines. The Center warned of the danger of not preparing for what is known as "aftershocks", as it may lead to the collapse of damaged buildings.

6 actions after the earthquake

The National Meteorological Center has identified six actions that can be carried out after the earthquake: not to ignite a fire or any source of fire before making sure that there is no leakage of gas, exit the buildings after securing them to the nearest places and exposed areas, and not to attempt to move the injured seriously unless they At risk, lack of passage from destroyed areas, lack of drinking water from unknown sources, and non-occupancy of telecommunications networks, except where necessary.