Saturday morning, the LREM MP, Laurence Maillart-Méhaignerie, announced joining the Breizh Lab launched by Jean-Yves Le Drian.

"If I decided to participate in this initiative of the Progressive Bretons, it is in the framework of the future European elections because it is necessary, that in Brittany, one is able to gather beyond the divisions, explained the MP. We need to bring together women and men of good will to win this very important step of these elections. Brittany has always been at the rendezvous of major European deadlines and the ability of Jean-Yves Le Drian to gather make him a great leader. "

A few hours later, it is the deputy François André who, in a statement, explains subscribe "totally to the initiative of Jean-Yves Le Drian calling to the gathering of the Breton progressives".

For him, "faced with the disenchantment caused by the disorders of the world, in a Europe in the grip of the growing temptation of the nationalist withdrawal, Brittany finds, in its history and its successes, the values ​​of widely shared humanism, an ability to to gather on the essential, as well as the possible way of a progress for the benefit of the greatest number ".

Redon MP LREM, Gaël Le Bohec, and centrist leader Loïk Lebrun also announced the rallying at the initiative of the current Minister of Foreign Affairs.