The protests against the rise in bread prices were renewed yesterday in Khartoum and other cities following the departure of worshipers from a mosque in Omdurman, the twin city of Khartoum, belonging to the Ansar sect, the main component of the Umma party, the largest opposition party. Of calm, as reported by eyewitnesses, while the study was suspended in schools in the capital Khartoum.

"After Friday prayers, dozens of people chanted" the people want to topple the regime and freedom of freedom in Omdurman, "one witness said. "The riot police confronted them and fired tear gas at them, and the situation of Karr fled between the protesters and the police," the witness said.

Dozens of protesters gathered in the 60th Street east of Khartoum, chanting "the people want to overthrow the regime" and riot police.

In the city of Atbara, 400 kilometers north of the capital, where protests began last Wednesday, an eyewitness said, "In the center of the city, the market is calm and the army is guarding the shops, but in the eastern part of the city, For tears. "Now there is an operation between them and the police."

In the city of Al-Abyad, the capital of North Kordofan state, 350 kilometers west of Khartoum, a demonstration took place in the city's main mosque, witnesses said.

"After Friday prayers at the Grand Mosque, we came out shouting, 'The people want to overthrow the regime.' The police fired tear gas at us and we were about 500 people," said one participant. Protesters also left in six districts in the east, north and center of the Sudanese capital, dispersed by the police.

For his part, Sudanese government spokesman Bashar Juma said that "the protests deviated from their peaceful course." He said in a statement broadcast by the official news agency SUNA that "the government will not tolerate attempts at sabotage and burning."

Eight people were killed in protests on Wednesday and Thursday in the eastern Sudanese city of Gedaref and the Nile River state, in which hundreds of people were burned and the offices of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) were burned in the cities of Gadarif, Atbara and Dengla, local officials said.

On the other hand, authorities suspended the study schools in the capital Khartoum. The ministry of education in Khartoum state said in a statement that it had decided to "suspend the study in all state schools from Sunday to indefinitely." The University of Khartoum also decided to suspend the study in the largest educational complexes, resulting in mixed reactions in political and educational circles, although the administration said the closure was correct.

In the north of the capital Khartoum, soldiers guarding petrol stations and banks were seen armed with Kalashnikovs, witnesses said.

- In the north of the capital Khartoum was seen

Soldiers guarding petrol stations and headquarters

Banks are armed with guns

Kalashnikov, witnesses reported.