Hundreds of refugees from the Central American refugee raid stormed the US border on Tuesday in the Mexican city of Tijuana. At least 500 migrants attempted to cross the barrier, a reporter told AFP. The Mexican police tried in vain to stop the crowd. The United States then closed the border between Tijuana and the US metropolis San Diego, as the US border guards announced. US helicopters flew over the area.

About 50 people climbed on a tin wall, which is still on Mexican territory in front of the US border wall. US security forces used tear gas, as the television channel of the newspaper "Milenio" showed.

The migrants wore hand painted American and Honduran flags and sang: "We are not criminals! We are international workers!"

On Sunday, a peaceful demonstration of migrants had taken place. Finally, several hundred participants broke away from the demonstration to cross the border and reach their destination country. Among them were women with children.

Cordero: "No contract of any kind"

On Saturday, the US announced an agreement with Mexico to require asylum seekers to remain in Mexico while examining their claims by US courts. "Everyone will stay in Mexico," said US President Donald Trump. However, Mexico's Interior Minister Olga Sánchez Cordero disagreed with the statement that the agreement was already sealed. It concluded "no contract of any kind" between the future government of Mexico and Washington, its office said in a statement.

Migrants at the Southern Border are not approved in court. We only want to allow those who come into our country legally. Other than that, our policy is Catch and Detain. No "Releasing" into the US ..

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 24, 2018

The situation on the border with Mexico had recently become increasingly acute. In Tijuana, about 5,000 people have arrived from Central America, most of them Hondurans. People have fled poverty and violence in their homeland and want to enter the US.

Video: Protests against migrants from Central America


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