On October 2, Saudi prominent journalist Jamal Khashoggi entered his consulate in Istanbul for a document to complete his marriage to his fiancée, who was waiting outside the building.

But the man did not leave the building and I did. He was greeted by a team of 15 people, who widened him and beat him and then lost his soul. It was not known until now where they threw his body, while Tserapat said that the perpetrators were in the office of the consul, which is required by the laws to protect the citizens of his country abroad.

When Saudi Arabia accused the Saudi man of assassinating the man as punishment for his criticism of the regime, Arab states and institutions denounced what it called the targeting of Riyadh, issued critical statements of solidarity with it and confirmed its confidence in its sincerity and innocence.

After 18 days and with a short American deadline, Saudi Arabia decided to recognize the crime and vowed to hold those responsible accountable, and dismissed many intelligence officers and personalities close to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

However, the countries and organizations that supported Saudi Arabia's denial of the crime did not regret its hasty stance, but hastened to praise Riyadh's recognition of the killing of its citizen inside the consulate. It confirmed its confidence in the transparency of the Saudi judiciary,

1- Emirates
The UAE quickly confirmed its confidence in the Saudi novel that Jamal Khashoggi left the consulate unharmed.

When Saudi Arabia admitted the killing of Khashoggi inside the consulate, UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan praised what he called "the great interest and keenness to investigate the truth on this issue, which is embodied in the directives of King Salman bin Abdul Aziz and his decisions in all transparency and fairness and to ensure accountability Fair trial ".

Relations between Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been strengthened in recent years. Its main pillars are: partnership in the siege of Qatar, absolute support for the regime of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, aborting the Arab spring revolutions and fighting the political Islam movements.

On October 14, Egypt issued a statement confirming its stand with Saudi Arabia on the Khashoggi issue, and warned against attempting to exploit the issue politically against Riyadh "on sentencing charges."

As soon as the Saudis were recognized, Egypt issued a new statement in which it considered that this step demonstrated the Kingdom's keenness and commitment to arrive at the truth of this incident and to take due legal action against the persons involved.

President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi is a strong ally of the crown prince in Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi, where the three have united the siege of Qatar and the fear of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the desire to be close to Israel.

Bahrain strongly condemned Saudi Arabia's accusation of being behind the assassination of Khashoggi, and its foreign minister was involved in Twitter activity to deny and deny leaks that confirm the man's liquidation inside his country's consulate.

Today, the Bahraini government issued a statement welcoming the Saudi recognition of the killing of Khashoggi inside the consulate, and praising King Salman's decisions aimed at "establishing justice, fairness and truthful and impartial disclosure."

Bahrain's foreign policy is always in line with Saudi positions, combined with hostility to Iran and participation in the blockade of Qatar.

4- Yemen
Earlier, the Yemeni government, based in Riyadh, expressed its condemnation of accusing Saudi Arabia in the Khashoggi case.

But the situation changed this morning as it considered that what "reached by the prosecution in the Kingdom and the referral of the causes of the death of journalist Khashoggi shows the continuous and serious follow-up of the Saudi institutions that set the safety of its citizens at home and abroad."

Since its establishment in Saudi Arabia in 2015, the Yemeni government has taken the same positions as Riyadh.

5. Djibouti
After condemning Saudi accusations against Khashoggi, Djibouti welcomed Riyadh's admission of death and praised King Salman's determination to hold officials accountable and offered condolences to the family of the deceased.

6. Jordan
The Jordanian government also expressed its solidarity with Saudi Arabia in the face of the accusations. After the recognition, Jordan issued a statement praising the measures taken by Saudi Arabia to bring about justice and the accountability of those involved in the killing of Khashoggi.

7. Mauritania
On 15 October, Mauritania called for a transparent investigation into Khashoggi's disappearance and strongly stressed that it stood by Saudi Arabia and refused to accuse it.

The Mauritanian regime was under pressure from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to boycott Qatar in 2017, although relations between Nouakchott and Doha have been warm for more than 40 years.

Until now, the Mauritanian government has not commented on Saudi Arabia's admission of Khashoggi's death.

8. Sudan
He also confirmed earlier his stand with Saudi Arabia in the face of accusations against her over the killing of Khashoggi.

Khartoum has yet to react to Saudi Arabia's recognition of Khashoggi's killing inside the consulate in Istanbul.

It is noteworthy that Sudan stands with Saudi Arabia in its rivalry with Iran. The Sudanese army is fighting alongside Saudi and Yemeni forces in Yemen against the Houthi group.

9. Saudi Arabia
On Friday, the head of the Council of Senior Scholars in Saudi Arabia attacked the bodies that accuse Riyadh, and said that the world envies the Kingdom to its governors and care for its citizens.

Hours later, Saudi Arabia admitted the killing of Khashoggi inside the consulate, and did not delay the recognition of the recognition and the decisions that resulted.

The Saudi narrative was supported by the League of Arab States, the Organization of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Organization of the Islamic Conference.