Democratic Rep. Rachida Taleb began her term in Congress by threatening to start the removal of US President Donald Trump, who she described as offensive and obscene in a test of her party's discipline, angering the Republicans and rebuking the president.

While a video was circulating on social networking sites, Tillib, a Michigan Rep. Who talks about Donald Trump, responded by dismissing the start of his dismissal, while Nancy Pelosi, the new president of the council, appeared unwilling to appear in the language of the MP.

During an event after her swearing-in on Thursday, Taleb, the first Palestinian-American woman and one of the first Muslim women in Congress, told her supporters: "We will go there and we will remove that damned."

Tillib vowed that Trump would face a parliamentary impeachment, calling him "the son of a bitch" according to a video posted on Twitter, which drew widespread criticism among Democrats, where they considered the talk "market" and "inappropriate" The Hill, "and reported by« Arab Net ».

Many Democrats said Taleb's remarks were "inappropriate," referring to the "offending" description of the president.

"I think her comments are shameful," Trump said of the insult. She is a character I do not know. I suppose it's new. I think she insulted herself, and I think she insulted her family by using such a language. "" I think that was a disrespect for the United States, "Trump said.

"How can you begin to dismiss a president who may win the greatest election in history?" He said in a tweet, adding Democrats wanted to dismiss him "because they know they can not win in 2020."

"I will always face those in power," she said in an affirmation of her offensive stance.

But she ignored journalists who repeatedly asked her about her remarks.

Taleb received support on Twitter as it spread in the United States and called for measures to sack Al-Alain on Friday evening with more than 110,000 tweets attached to the label.

As the new House Speaker, Pelosi, 78, will have the task of controlling Trump as well as the most radical elements in her party.

Pelosi sought to downplay the significance of Taleb's words.

"I may have a reaction that has to do with the difference of generations," she said in a statement on Friday. I do not do censorship. "

"But I do not think it is worse than what the president said."

The Republicans expressed anger at Tillib's comments and said the Democrats were seeking revenge on Trump politically motivated rather than finding common ground.

"We saw a beginner who was using this language and received support from their base and we saw a new speaker of the House of Representatives saying nothing to her," said senior Republican Kevin McCarthy.

The acrimony of the US House of Representatives or even the president is nothing new. Frattamb is hardly a model of rhetoric, and last year he described African countries as "scum".