This is the press service of the Kremlin.

It is noted that both leaders expressed interest in preventing the escalation of tensions in the region.

“The discussion of the situation that has developed as a result of the violation by Ukrainian ships on November 25 of this year of the state border of the Russian Federation was continued Mutual interest was expressed in preventing the escalation of tension in the Azov-Black Sea area and in resolving the problems resulting from the provocative actions of the Ukrainian authorities, ”the statement reads.

It clarifies that the conversation took place on the initiative of the German side.

On November 25, the FSB announced that three Ukrainian ships had illegally crossed the Russian border, after which they were detained.

Dmitry Rodionov, Director of the Center for Geopolitical Studies at the Institute for Innovative Development, commented on the November conversation between Putin and Merkel about the Ukrainian provocation in the Sea of ​​Azov.