The international movement to pursue Hamza, the son of former al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, has reopened the bin Laden document of Abutabad, in which he advised his son Hamza to go to Qatar and live there. Qatar's Al-Jazeera is an ally of the terrorist organization, and the only way it can pass and implement its ideas.

At the beginning of March, the United States made a $ 1 million reward through the Rewards for Justice program for information leading to the arrest of Hamza bin Laden. Saudi Arabia also took another action against al Qaeda's leader and stripped it of its nationality.

The US State Department said the reason for the son's pursuit of bin Laden was "audio and video messages posted on the Internet, in which he called on his followers to launch attacks against the United States and its Western allies in retaliation for his father's death."

The American pursuit of bin Laden has raised questions about the relationship between him and Qatar, in light of what Abut Abad documents revealed about the relationship between Doha and this terrorist organization.

The documents of Abut Abad were confiscated following the storming of US forces, bin Laden's hideout in Pakistan, in May 2011, in a process that resulted in his death. Among the documents included a personal diary and letters in his hand reveal much about this organization and its relations. For those documents in batches, the most recent in November 2017.

The documents showed a genuine interest and desire from bin Laden and the terrorist organization to make his son Hamza and the heir to lead the organization, and also revealed the strong relationship of the organization to the organization of Hamdeen in Qatar and its confidence. Bin Laden asked his son Hamza and some of his family residing in Iran to leave their property and travel to Qatar as a trusted party , Pointing out that it «the safest side to avoid future crises».

Bin Laden's letters also revealed his desire for his son Hamza to travel to Qatar to study forensic science, so he could resist questioning their convictions.

It was also remarkable in bin Laden's memoirs on Al-Jazeera, which has long been an exclusive platform for his statements and al-Qaeda news, and considered it the only way he can pass and implement his ideas. He praised the role played by the protests in some Arab countries in early 2011, Stability, and opening up an area for its terrorist organization to infiltrate the country that witnessed the protests.

He advised bin Laden to instigate the view of the Mujahedeen terrorist organization based in Doha, Yusuf al-Qaradawi on the revolutions sought by the terrorist organization al-Qaeda to provoke chaos, and stressed the need to communicate with Al-Jazeera, pointing out that it will become the strongest ally to achieve the schemes of the terrorist organization.

Bin Laden believed that the so-called "Arab Spring Revolutions" would be the path of al-Qaeda to bring down the countries of the region, but it excluded Qatar from falling and chaos.

The documents showed a prominent Qatari presence in al-Qaeda's correspondence and strong confidence that it could benefit from its financial and media support and its ability to harbor elements of the organization and disseminate its ideas through Al-Jazeera, which has been in the past and continues to raise questions about Qatar's role in supporting the organization and its elements. Even today.

The documents confirm the position of the anti-terrorist countries, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt, which announced in June 2017 the severing of their relations with Qatar because of the latter's insistence on supporting terrorist organizations in a number of Arab squares. A list of 13 demands for the restoration of relations with Doha, all of which revolve around the previous commitments made by the Emir of Qatar under the Riyadh Agreement 2013 and Riyadh Supplementary Agreement 2014, and instead of Qatar to implement the demands of the 13 countries, continued perseverance and interference in the affairs of States The internal area in a way that compromises its security The nationalist, through conspiracy with customers on the ground, or by launching slander and promote the organization's lies and systematically carried out by the channel «Al Jazeera» Media and Qatar campaigns, organizing forums and conferences aimed at calling for counter-terrorism countries.

Osama bin Laden considered al-Jazeera an ally of the organization, an exclusive platform for his statements, and a means to pass and implement his ideas.