Despite sharp security measures on Monday morning, several people have invaded the air base in Büchel in Rhineland-Palatinate and have protested against the disputed deployment of US nuclear weapons on the Bundeswehr site.

The Bundeswehr confirmed the security-related incident. Accordingly, several people cut the fence to the severely secured barracks and the associated air force base. Seven people were arrested by guards and handed over to the police.

At first, in the morning in front of the air base, there had been a spontaneous protest from a small group outside the main gate. This was disbanded by the police. A little later, a considerably smaller circle penetrated the airfield by unnoticed by cutting the fence.

Stationing under strict secrecy

For years, nuclear weapons opponents protested in front of the air base, since there are about 20 US atomic bombs of type B61 to be stored. In case of war, these could be blown up by "Tornado" jets of the Bundeswehr. The stationing follows the principle of the so-called "nuclear participation" of Germany in the nuclear deterrence of the USA.

The stationing of nuclear weapons in Germany is subject to strict secrecy, but has been known for years through media reports. In recent years, there were always protests against the storage of nuclear weapons in Germany, in the recent election campaign SPD lead candidate Martin Schulz demanded a withdrawal of weapons.

For weeks protests at the air base

The arrested persons are threatened with severe penalties after entering the security area. According to information from Bundeswehr circles, it is determined against them not only because of damage to property but also because of a dangerous interference with aviation.

Despite the intrusion, the demonstrators were not very close to US nuclear weapons. The weapons are in a separate guarded security area, which is protected by the German Armed Forces but also heavily armed US soldiers. Had the demonstrators approached this area, the soldiers would probably have fired.

For the Bundeswehr, the process is annoying. Last week protesters had already invaded the airbase Büchel, then unrolled posters, shot photos and later spread the material on the Internet. Protests camps have been taking place near the air base for weeks.

The fact that the Bundeswehr can not prevent the actions is criticized internally again and again. For some time, an improvement in the external security in Büchel in conversation. For example, the Bundeswehr wants to detect potential manipulations on the fence more quickly by means of a video system, thereby preventing intrusion into the air base.

So far, however, plans for the security upgrade around the US nuclear weapons warehouse have been sluggish. After the incident on Monday, it was said in Bundeswehr circles, the measures should now be accelerated.