Students at private schools in Dubai told Emirates Al-Youm that their children's schools are asking them to pay 35% of the fees for the next academic year to accept their re-enrollment for the new academic year.

The Knowledge and Human Development Authority stressed that registration fees should not exceed 10% of the fees for the new school year.

Abdulrahman Khalid, the father of a sixth grader at a private school, said his son's school had sent him a letter telling him that his son should register quickly for the next academic year and pay a registration fee of more than 35 percent of the total tuition fees for the new year.

He said that the school is struggling to claim this percentage of fees, which carries the parents of large sums of money, and financially burdensome, as they have not yet completed the payment of installments this academic year.

Asmaa Jalal, the mother of three students in different classes, said that the school's decision to pay a registration fee for the new year exceeds 30% of the tuition fees. A family with three students has a large financial burden. For the three students about 30 thousand dirhams, in addition to the registration fee of about 35 thousand dirhams.

Mohammed Noor, the father of a ninth grade student, said that the Knowledge and Human Development Authority has agreed to pay about 10% of the total fees for the current academic year to enroll the student in the new school year. This decision represents a burden on the parents, and calls on the Knowledge Authority to follow up on the implementation of this decision. the decision.

He pointed out that the value of one installment of school fees is 12 thousand dirhams, which makes the payment of fees increases the burdens of students, along with fees for uniforms, books and transportation, and other service charges approved by the school.

The Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) has urged private schools in the emirate not to charge students a re-enrollment fee until the end of the spring break and the start of the third semester, which was to be completed during the second semester. Time to make informed decisions regarding the choice of their children's schools, based on the quality of education.

The school fees control framework requires private schools in the emirate not to collect the current registration fees for any private school by more than 10% of the total school fees, and can open the registration at the date deemed appropriate by the school during the academic year, Re-registration fees shall be collected during the period approved by the Commission.

Mainstreaming «knowledge»

The director of a private school, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) has circulated to private schools in the emirate the obligation not to collect fees for registration and re-registration until next April and to monitor the interest of students in re-registering their child at school For the next academic year.