Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon, who is visiting Mongolia, is meeting with the third factor of the Mongolian government today (26th) to strengthen cooperation for solving environmental problems such as air pollution.

The prime minister will meet with Prime Minister O'Hanapurasu at a government building in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, to discuss ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fields of environment, economy and trade.

In particular, it is said that it will talk about the necessity of cooperation among the countries in the region to solve the problem of air pollution in the region.

In recent years, there is a growing need for international cooperation for the solution of fine rubbish, and Mongolia is actively working to prevent dust and desertification.

The prime minister will also prevent future President Mahmoud Tartag Mongol, and will also meet with the chairman of the parliament chaired by Chambar Zabr.

Especially in the afternoon, we will visit Ulaanbaatar Sambdarja area city forest creation site.

The creation of the Mongolia urban forest, a cooperation project between the two governments, is a representative model of international cooperation for the prevention of desertification. It is regarded as a public development aid project that has provided practical assistance to Mongolia.

The Korea Forest Service provided 'Mongolian Green Belt Plantation Project', which planted trees in the desolate area of ​​Mongolia, such as the Darangjadgard in the Gobi Desert and the Baejangsa in the first stage from 2007 to 2016.

Through this, 3,000 hectares of abandoned waste paper, which is 3,000 soccer fields, were turned into green forests.

Currently, the second stage is the urban forest construction project in the 40th floor of Sambadarja area in Ulaanbaatar city by 2021.

The site is provided by the Mongolian Ministry of Natural Environment and Tourism, and will be created as an ecological forest suitable for the climate and conditions of Mongolia.

Prime Minister Lee will visit luncheon luncheon representatives of local and foreign companies and also visit local business enterprises.

In order to honor Lee Tae-joon, who practiced independence in Mongolia during the Japanese colonial rule and gave his medical treatments,

The tour will be held ahead of the 30th anniversary of Korea-Mongolia diplomatic ties next year.

Lee, who left yesterday, will travel to Mongolia and China on a five - day, six - day schedule until the 30th.

(Photo: Yonhap News)