
President Moon Jae - in delivered a public address on next year 's budget of 470 trillion won at the National Assembly yesterday. He emphasized the need to move to an embracing country. He emphasized the expansion of finance.

I am a reporter for the United States.


The keynote speech was an embracing country. During the 35 minute speech, 'embrace' came out 18 times. I proposed 'embracing' as a solution to polarization and inequality.

[President Moon Jae-in: Only one citizen should be a country that is not discriminated against. It is an embracing country that lives together well.]

We emphasized aggressive fiscal policy.

The budget for next year has increased by 9.7 percent to 4.70 trillion won from the previous year, emphasizing job creation and social safety net expansion.

It took time for the results to come out, and I made clear the policies to maintain the policy.

We also called for cooperation on the peace process on the Korean Peninsula several times.

[President Moon Jae-in: I would like to gather your strength to make sure we take this chance as a miracle.]

In order to process the budget, the opposition should cooperate with the president, and President Moon has taken a glance toward the Korean party's seat in every major speech and went to the opposition party after the speech.

But opposition reactions were still cold.

[Kim Byung-joon / Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Korea: I was still impressed with the income-driven growth ... . ]

In the meantime, the Korean government will announce its intention to participate in the first meeting of the permanent and modal meeting of the ruling and opposition parties.