Interviewed by Raafat Rifai

Riad Darrar, the joint head of the so-called Democratic Council of Syria, the political front of Syria's democratic forces, considered the recent suspension of its battles against the organization of the Islamic state against the backdrop of the Turkish army shelling of positions near the border, a kind of threat that the position on terrorism must be shared.

In an interview with Al-Jazeera Net, Derar revealed the background and nature of the meetings that brought together a delegation from the Democratic Council of Syria and the Director of the Office of the Head of National Security in the Syrian regime, saying that the regime is not serious about adopting negotiations in the true sense.

"The escalation is a preoccupation of Syria's democratic forces to fight the state, which led to a temporary suspension of the battles against the organization, which he described as difficult battles because the fighters of the organization are well equipped and have combat experience to enable them to resist.

The following is the text of the dialogue:

Negotiations with the system
We put your motives to start negotiations with the Syrian regime, what is its nature and what has been discussed?
In fact, only two meetings were held, and the talks did not live up to the level of negotiations, but they are a first step towards negotiations. The reason is that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in a meeting on a Russian channel promised that the Syrian democratic forces will face the military option if they do not bow to the option of negotiations. That we have negotiated and without conditions, since the Council since its establishment at the end of 2015 considered that the political solution is the goal.

The first meeting was called by Damascus, and our delegation met under the chairmanship of the Joint Chairman of the Council Ilham Ahmed with the Director of the Office of National Security Chief Ali Mamluk and some of his aides.

The dialogue was part of the so-called definition of a broad line of coordination between the two parties. In the second meeting, the debate was focused on participating in the local elections according to the current local administrative system, which we considered to be unproductive, and we were called upon to amend it. Days before the elections.

What are the demands of the regime in the two meetings?
The regime demanded that security be present in our areas and that we hand over to him the border crossings, and our response was that there should be factors of confidence, such as starting through the services, and we are keen on the fate of thousands who fear for themselves in the event of a return of the regime. We needed to be more careful not to progress quickly to complete the negotiation.

How do you assess the seriousness of the regime in the negotiations?
In the end, we believe that the regime does not express its seriousness by adopting negotiations in the real sense. It wants reconciliation on the basis of concessions, as it declared by giving the Kurds self-management, and we seek to delineate a new policy for the region.

What are the guarantees of implementing any agreement you might reach with the Syrian regime?
Engaging Russia and the United States is a desire that can achieve something for the future of negotiations, because they are the ones who shape policies in Syria, and everyone follows what they agree.

Speaking of Americans, what is their position on your negotiations with the regime?
The Americans had no role in this approach, and they later inquired about the need for it.

Can they achieve a political solution in isolation from a political solution at the country level?
We did not hope that we would have a role in participating in the opposition against the regime, and we still expect to have a place in Geneva and in the Constitutional Committee, but in view of Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem's statement on the constitution as a sovereign order that has nothing to do with the United Nations, Leading to the rejection of the formation of the third list and the preparation of a new list by a Russian-Turkish-Iranian agreement to develop a harmonized compromise constitution that does not reach the conditions of decentralization that Turkey is concerned about.

Escalation with Turkey
The move to Turkey and the recent escalation, for which the Syrian Democratic Forces announced a temporary suspension of its battles against the state organization. In which context do you place this ad?
This declaration - a statement - is a kind of threat that the position on terrorism must be shared, who wants to block us in this direction, it helps terrorism, and the Turkish escalation is like breathing the soul in the breath "urged" the cut.

We believe that the Turkish claim that Kurdish control of the border area threatens its national security is an unacceptable claim. During the years of the crisis, no threat or provocation was received from us. We sent peace and good-neighborly appeals and we will not stop.

It is noteworthy that this escalation came after the Tehran tripartite summit, which was the beginning of what I call the "East Alliance" directed at the United States, which could include Iraq and Syria and the militias loyal to them.

What if this alliance succeeds in putting pressure on your ally, the United States, not to be alone and surrounded by enemies?

If the United States responds to these pressures, we will be on our own. True, but we also believe that Washington will not go out that easy. It has plans for the region that can go on and on, but we are not playing on this side, but we seek peace and security in the region. To negotiate, a peaceful political solution and good neighborliness with Syria's neighbors, including Turkey.

How can this escalation be read from the perspective of the Manbaj Agreement, which has been suspended?
The understandings about Mnbj are clear, but the Turkish side wants more. Turkey is resentful of the United States' reluctance to agree on Mnbj, and it is raising some pressure on the United States to reconsider Mnbj and the message that Ankara will not back down from its alliance with Russia and Iran. Which will be besieged in the desert of the Levant, which requires concessions on its terms either on the Syrian regime or around Iran and offer Turkey a deal on what it calls the protection of its borders, as well as its participation in the next reconstruction strongly.

Battles against state organization
How can you explain to us the reality of the field regarding battles against state organization?
It is not easy to break into the last strongholds of the organization east of the Euphrates in the hybrid area of ​​Deir al-Zour, the organization prepared its preparation for these battles, especially during the occupation of our forces in Afrin, and fortified and planted a large number of mines that impede the progress of our forces, and the remaining forces of the organization in which the leaders of large, Battle is life or death battle.

These forces have combat experience that can withstand the possibility of climatic conditions, so recent sandstorms have taken advantage of and have recovered several sites and killed several members of the Syrian Democratic Forces.

The military operations against the Da'ash organization may be prolonged because Syria's democratic forces are progressing slowly due to the aforementioned obstacles, as well as the result of the Turkish forces' occupation of the border, which leads to the pushing of new forces to the border and leaving gaps for the Da'ash organization.