"It is symbolic that on the eve of Christmas and New Years, the EU Council decided to extend economic and sectoral sanctions against Russia for aggression in the Donbas," he wrote on Facebook.

According to him, after meetings on the margins of the European Council, he expected that “pro-Ukrainian unity in the EU remains unshakable.”

“However, the real battle is still ahead, because the Kremlin is actively preparing for the next election year, namely, an attempt to revenge in Ukraine and the creation of alternative values ​​in Europe,” the president added.

As Poroshenko pointed out, it is necessary to strengthen “unity and solidarity in the name of peace and security on the European continent”

Earlier, the European Union extended economic sanctions against Russia for six months.

As stated in the Federation Council, such a decision was expected.

Russia has repeatedly stated that it is not a party to the conflict in Ukraine and acts as a mediator in resolving the situation.