According to Popov, on the last program, Yali made a statement regarding Moscow’s alleged intentions towards Kiev, without supporting his statement with any facts.

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Publication by Evgeny Popov (@popovrtr) 4 Dec 2018 at 4:30 PST

In this regard, the presenter asked the expert to provide evidence.

“I received in response the popular ones in the pro-government Ukrainian expert community“ according to some data ”or“ according to experts ”... I said to Maxim:“ According to some data, your name is Igor, ”wrote Popov.

He also suggested that Yali was “not reconciled” with what had happened and “saved his offense for a long time.”

“I decided to call me by another name, for which I was immediately removed from the site ... To rudeness in our studio, zero tolerance,” concluded Popov.

Earlier it was reported that Popov ousted from the filming of the program "60 minutes" on the channel "Russia 1" Yali as a result of the scandal that occurred during the transfer.