Bernard Farcy who played De Gaulle and Anna Mouglalis, president in the series Baron Noir came to talk about the incarnation of power in film and television during the festival Politikos, Rennes.

"Fiction allows reality to happen. Entrusting the role of first secretary of a party, then president of the Republic to a woman, it's a good start! The actress Anna Mouglalis is president of the Republic in the series Baron Noir. Bernard Marcy, he played General de Gaulle in the television series Le Grand Charles , a role that earned him a Golden Fipa. At Politikos, both came Thursday to talk about the embodiment of power on the screen.

A cohabitation with the character

Bernard Farcy confides that he cohabited with the general, the time of filming, "I accepted the role with 50% of vanity and 50% of unconsciousness. But I did not have to play the History of France, but a character with a text. You have to go through all this by creating the illusion. It was not an imitation or a caricature, but an interpretation. "

Anna Mouglalis | WEST FRANCE

Anna Mouglalis, plays a fictional character, "I am very inspired by Christiane Taubira, who has a magnificent political language. I listened to his speeches. "

Because for the actress, the register of political language "tames, and it fascinated me. But I also felt this loneliness of power. I would not like to be president. The same goes for comedian Bernard Farcy, "I'd rather play the role than have been. "

Letting go

Every morning he was allowed three hours of make-up, "I did not control everything. I did what we had done. Afterwards, there is the letting go. The decor, the text, the costumes, it puts in condition. " By turning The Great Charles , Bernard Farcy has become " an admirer of those who have a desire for greatness for their country, for the new generations. "

* What Anna Mouglalis liked in the political series Baron Noir, "is that she shows the scheming. By unveiling all of this, we show how much each voice counts. It allows citizens to re-enchant themselves for politics. The more we know, the better we vote! "