It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of the group.

“We confirm that investigative actions are being taken against the Director General of the AHU Igor Savelyev. Yesterday, January 15, people from the police came to him. He left the LRA office accompanied by them, ”the press service said.

The LRA noted that his detention was not related to the activities of the group’s general director.

It is noted that, “leaving the office, Savelyev notified the employees that he intends to terminate the employment contract with the Siberian Alcohol Group.”

The current financial director of the company, Elena Tyabutova, has been appointed as the new CEO.

Earlier, the Khabarovsk Territory news agency, citing the press service of the regional government, reported that in the Khabarovsk Territory from the beginning of the year alcohol consumption was introduced by piece.