Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (PTA) Executive Director Ahmed Bahrozian revealed that the Dubai Autonomous Driving Taxis will be operational at the end of this month. Showed positive results.

Behroozian told Emirates Al-Youm that the pilot operation of the taxi will be in the presence of a driver inside the vehicle licensed by the Authority to act as the driver and driving the vehicle in the event of any sudden order, stressing that all tests in the world implemented by a qualified driver to intervene in a timely manner to avoid any reasons May compromise the safety and security of road users during the experiment.

Bahrozian added that the Authority will immediately undertake the pilot operation of the self-driving taxi by conducting an in-depth study on the readiness of public transport and communication and the possibility of qualifying it to be intelligent means of transportation. 25 per cent driving, which is the ratio of self-driving tours of the emirate's total by 2030. The study will include direct discussions with international companies that are currently leading the development of self-driving vehicles, LMI helps the TRA identify the development potential and decide on the type of smart public transport that will be developed for future use.

On the results of the pilot operation of the smart vehicle in the Dubai Sustainable Zone held at the end of last summer, Behrozian said the results are positive and showed that the technologies operating these compounds are developing rapidly, while pointing to some challenges such as severe sensitivity to the presence of any body in the vicinity of the vehicle and stop Once monitored, including plants planted on both sides of the road.

Autonomous vehicle operating legislation

Ahmed Bahrozian said that the work on the development of legislations related to the operation of self-driving vehicles is currently going in two directions: the first experimental operation where the Commission began experiments on the internal streets and residential areas after the last period was limited to sidewalks. The second trend is the issuance of a local or federal law in cooperation with the Higher Committee for Legislation in the Emirate of Dubai.