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Bishop André Fort, who was the superior of Pierre de Castelet, will answer for non-denunciation of sexual assault on minors. Godong / UIG via Getty Images

A former bishop and an abbot appear Tuesday, October 30 before the Criminal Court of Orleans (north-central). Bishop André Fort, former bishop of the city, is tried for non-denunciation of pedophile acts. He allegedly covered the priest Pierre de Castelet, accused of sexual assault on minors in 1993.

The facts date back 25 years, but were only reported to Bishop André Fort in 2008. On the occasion of a holiday camp organized by the Eucharistic Youth Movement in southwestern France, the Father Pierre de Castelet allegedly touched on minors even as a doctor, he practiced false medical examinations.

One of the first to question the behavior of Castelet's father is Olivier Savignac. As a teenager at the time, he sent a letter to Bishop André Fort in 2008 in which he recounted his touching.

But the bishop in charge of the diocese of Orleans will never send the letter to justice, only to assure Olivier Savignac that Pierre de Castelet will no longer be in contact with young people.

After the retirement of Bishop Fort, a new letter was sent to his successor, who immediately brought him to justice. Pierre de Castelet is indicted in 2012 for sexual assault, and Bishop Fort in 2017 for not denouncing these acts. They incur respectively 15 years and 3 years in prison.