Patients of different nationalities spend many years on treatment beds in Dubai public hospitals, where they receive the necessary medical care. The cost of one patient per day is about AED 10,000, including the value of medicines, tests and tests. To ensure that they continue to receive the same quality care, as well as to make their beds available to other patients, DHA has decided to establish a specialized center to accommodate them.

Dr. Younis Kazem, Executive Director of Dubai Healthcare Establishment, told Emirates Al Youm that the Authority's hospitals currently include 127 patients who require daily care and follow-up. The duration of their stay is three years, which makes them more like residents in hospitals. Their cases are among serious injuries caused by accidents and people with chronic diseases and the elderly.

He added: "Doctors discover the need of a patient for immediate health care and follow-up, after detection of his condition, to become a temporary resident to a semi-permanent patient, may extend his stay inside the hospital for several years," pointing to the Authority's keenness to provide all the patient needs care, whatever Cost ", which has led to a radical solution for this group, taking into account their access to the service and provide the family operated by other patients».

Kazem explained that the Authority is working to establish a specialized center in Al Mamzar area in Dubai early next year to accommodate permanent patients, including the patients who are in the hospitals of the Authority almost permanently, stressing that the new center is equipped to the highest international medical standards, Treatment services of high quality.

He pointed out that the Rashid Hospital alone includes 107 patients with a length of stay between months and years (35 citizens and 72 residents), who occupy 20% of the total beds in the hospital, and cost the Authority about 51 million and 300 thousand dirhams annually, while Dubai Hospital has 13 patients, A nice hospital for women and children seven patients.

Kazem said that the body aims to establish the new center, to limit the role of hospitals in the treatment of acute and urgent cases, and increase capacity by providing the largest possible number of beds.

Difficult cases

Dr. Younis Kazem confirmed the existence of a team at the Health Authority to study the difficult cases that lasted long in government hospitals, who do not have health insurance covering the cost of treatment.

He said that the team is keen to communicate with charities to pay part or all of the amount, stressing that the Commission to raise the humanitarian and medical aspects on the financial side in dealing with patients.


Patients in

Rashid Hospital

Including 35 citizens

And 72 residents .. ranged


Between months and years.