A question about "how to make sure of maturation of pasta" at the 12th grade exam, finally, surprised students and their families by asking about the purpose of such questions, skills and abilities that can be measured in the student.

The question of pasta comes within a number of lessons on the students of public schools, characterized by strange vocabulary, and out of the familiar in the educational process, in addition to the lack of clarity of the meaning. The most famous of these, along with the question of pasta, are "wolves mingling", "new mother", "bread" and "sacramental".

The member of the Committee on Education and Youth in the Federal National Council, Aisha Bin Samnaouh, «Emirates today» the need to re-examine the curricula that are offered to students, and purification of the lessons and subjects that are not commensurate with the values ​​of the community and customs and traditions, and does not promote scientific or moral value Certain.

On the social networking website "Twitter", he stressed that the pasta question was not the first of its kind. The educational process witnessed during the past period a number of subjects and strange questions, including a lesson in the Arabic language course for the third grade, on "bread types" The world, where he was surprised by many, especially with the circulation of a video clip and trusted teacher is asking students about the types of bread. The Ministry of Education issued an explanatory statement on the incident in which it confirmed that it adopts various texts and texts in the developed curriculum of the Arabic language, including information texts that introduce students to the customs and cultures of the world. "The text provides cultural information that forms part of the heritage of the people, and defines the student of these cultures in a country where people from about 200 nationalities live and interact, asking the banter to identify the types of bread that exist in the UAE.

The second lesson, which aroused great reactions to the social media, was a story entitled "New Mom" ​​in the Arabic language for the fourth grade, (the experimental version of the student book for the academic year 2017-2018), where he addressed the memories of a writer about the first wife of her father in a UAE environment And the nature of the special human relationship that they had gathered, while students pointed out that the lesson encouraged "dismantling the family link", "involving children in family problems" and "establishing the idea of ​​the second wife" at home.

In response to the subject, the ministry stressed that the text of "new mother" calls for compassion and respect between the young and the large. The activities accompanying the story concentrate on reflection and reflection before making prejudices and on the concept of tolerance and acceptance of the other. In the student, in addition to that the story invites students to read and analyze, and then accept or reject, based on the rules known in criticism, analysis and conclusion, which is one of the foundations of the study plan developed for the UAE school.

A multi-choice question at the end-of-school year exam for the seventh grade in science raised the surprise of parents of students because of the language they considered obscene. The text of the question in the exam paper "rolled a wolf on its back to reveal its belly to potential mating partners within "What behavior does that show?" He asked students to choose the correct answer from four answers: hostility, courtship, domination, submission.

The students did not understand why this question was asked in the exam for students at the age of twelve, and what is the purpose, as they have not given this type of questions in schools before, wondering: What additional information that will get the student or student to recognize that A wolf rolling on his back, revealing his stomach in front of potential mating partners? What was he aiming for?

"Many of the school's parents expressed their displeasure with some of the lessons that the ministry decides, such as the new mother, which we do not understand," said Alia Saif, a teacher at a public school. , The subject of tolerance has many stories in the history of Islam and the Arab, why is limited to the story that I poured in the curriculum, calling for pluralism ».

She added: If the ministry had approved a lesson to consolidate the values ​​of preserving the family from disintegration and loss was better! Pointing out that the information received by the child at an early age is entrenched in his mind.

"We see strange lessons that encourage students, especially young people, to behave differently from what is common in society," said Jassim Abdullah, a teacher at a public school.

The member of the Committee on Education and Youth in the Federal National Council, Aisha bin Samnaoh, there is a real need to reconsider the curricula that are offered to students, and purification of the lessons and subjects that are not commensurate with the values ​​of the community and customs and traditions, and does not promote certain scientific or ethical value.

Foreign curricula

"It is necessary to involve Emirati experts, educators and academics, as well as parents of students, in the development of curricula and the selection of lessons and topics for our students," said Aisha bin Samnaouh, member of the Education and Youth Committee of the Federal National Council. Not rely on the transfer and translation of foreign curricula, it is not right to study students topics transferred from environments different from our environment, without revision and adaptation to suit our Arab and Islamic customs and values ​​».

A question at the end of the last year of the seventh grade in science, considered by parents to be shy.