The strikers of the Park Hyatt Vendome reached an agreement Friday with the Parisian palace and cleaning provider STN on staff representatives and salaries, ending a hard conflict that lasted 87 days.

The strike began on 25 September at the call of the CGT Commerce and the CGT-HPE (prestigious and economic hotels) to obtain the direct hiring by the hotel of the employees of STN (women and valets, governesses ...) assigned to the site, as well as salary increases.

"The leadership played the decay of the conflict". The strikers have been successful on "the most important claims," ​​said Didier Del Rey, CGT Commerce of Paris, saying they would resume work on Monday. The "strike was tough", with staff mobilized "every day from 10am to 3pm, Monday to Saturday" in front of the palace of the prestigious rue de la Paix, he recalls, and "the management played the rotting conflict ". "There were 62 strikers at the start, 43 at the end," said Didier Del Rey, for whom the stubbornness of the staff employed by STN ended up paying.

The claim to integrate the staff of the palace was "abandoned". In a statement, the CGT speaks of a "brilliant victory", even if the claim to integrate the staff of the Park Hyatt Vendome has been "abandoned", as pointed out the direction of the hotel. Nevertheless, STN employees will be able to apply to become local representatives in the palace during the next professional elections in 2019. For these employees of a subcontracting company, "this is a real thumbs up to Macron orders who have excluded these employees from their right to be represented in the user companies ", rejoice the CGT trade of Paris and CGT-HPE.

The VERY good news of the day! ✊ After 87 days of strike, the Park Hyatt Vendôme's maids have finally won. Increased wages, improved status, obtained staff representatives: their struggle paid off. What mobilization, what strength!


- Sihame Assbague (@s_assbague) December 21, 2018

Alignment of wages. The strikers are also getting wage alignment with the more favorable Hyatt Étoile, a hotel spokesman said. "The establishment and phasing" of this provision "should be discussed during the annual negotiations required in 2019," he said. They also obtained "a collective status well above the conventional minima of the hospitality and cleanliness," says the CGT.