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US President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, November 9, 2017, in Beijing. Fred DUFOUR / AFP

The American president flew this Wednesday, November 28 evening for Argentina where he will participate in the G20 this weekend. On the sidelines of the summit, Donald Trump will multiply the bilateral talks and will reserve a dinner for the Chinese president. According to his economic adviser, a trade agreement with China could be concluded.

With our correspondent in Washington, Anne Corpet

The agenda of the American president in Buenos Aires looks busy: despite the capture of Ukrainian military boats by the Russians, Donald Trump has maintained his appointment with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He will also have bilateral talks with the Argentine President, the German Chancellor, the Japanese Prime Minister, and meet the leaders of India, Turkey and South Korea.

But the most anticipated interview is the one scheduled with the Chinese president. Donald Trump will dinner with Xi Jinping to try to resolve the trade dispute between their two countries.

" If China comes to the negotiating table, or rather at the table of this dinner with new ideas, a new attitude, a willingness to cooperate, the President believes that there is a good chance of achieving a he is open to this possibility. Nothing is engraved in the marble, "said Larry Kudlow, economic adviser to the White House.

New sanctions in case of failure

To get an agreement, Donald Trump wants guarantees on the protection of intellectual property, the lifting of customs barriers and the end of the forced transfer of technologies of foreign companies installed in China.

If these negotiations fail, warns the White House advisor, the Americans will increase pressure on Beijing. Donald Trump threatens to impose additional taxes on $ 267 billion worth of Chinese products imported into the United States.