A special force of the Israeli occupation forces arrested the governor of Jerusalem in the Palestinian Authority, Adnan Ghaith, yesterday, in the town of Beit Hanina north of occupied Jerusalem, where a special force of the Israeli occupation forces cut his way three cars, and kidnapped him from his vehicle to an unknown destination.

Also yesterday, the Israeli occupation forces arrested Colonel Jihad al-Faqih, a colonel in the Palestinian General Intelligence Service, while he was on his way to work in East Jerusalem.

The Arab League condemned yesterday the American administration's decision to terminate the US consulate in Jerusalem as part of the US embassy in Israel, which was recently transferred to Jerusalem. The university called the decision "irresponsible." In another context, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement yesterday condemning the so-called "national law" and affirmed that "the occupation is establishing an abhorrent apartheid regime."

Dozens of Palestinians were suffocated by tear gas in the village of 'Azzun, east of Qalqilya, in the northern West Bank, which was raided by the Israeli occupation forces. The day came after the Israeli occupation forces opened fire and injured 130 Palestinians during a return march. About 200 Palestinians shot by the occupation, since March last year.