By RFIPublished on 12-11-2018Modified on 12-11-2018 at 23:15

The Nigerian military has appointed a new boss to lead the fight against the Boko Haram jihadists in the north-east of the country, in the Lake Chad region where attacks against military targets have intensified in recent months. General Benson Akinroluyo therefore takes the post of General Abba Dikko at the head of the operation "Lafiya Dole".

General Benson Akinroluyo becomes the fifth commander in two years
to lead the fight against Islamist insurgents on the ground. His predecessor, General Abbah Dikko, lasted only four months in the same post. He pays for the nine recent attacks by suspected members of Boko Haram.

These deadly raids targeted military bases, most of them close to Lake Chad, an area difficult to control for the men of Operation Lafiya Dole. In addition, the Nigerian army's staff did not appreciate the mood movement of Nigerian soldiers firing into the air at Maiduguri airport.

Buhari's campaign promise

Lastly, General Dikko failed to save two women working in humanitarian aid and hostages from one of the factions of the West African armed group claiming the Islamic State.

With the promotion of General Benson Akinroluyo, President Muhammadu Buhari seeks to regain control of his fight against Boko Haram. A few months before the presidential election scheduled for next February, the head of state is already campaigning. Candidate Muhammadu Buhari recalls that he was also elected in 2015 on the promise to defeat Boko Haram.

►A (re) listen: Guest Africa: "In Nigeria, security forces kill more than Boko Haram"

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