Former President Nicolas Sarkozy has "no intention to return to political life," he said Wednesday at a conference jointly held in Montpellier with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, learned the AFP of his entourage. The former head of the French state and the former Labor leader had agreed to lead this conference at the invitation of the Altrad group, before the company's executives. The former boss of the UMP, however, kept any comment on French political life, insisted his entourage.

The "yellow vests" have not been mentioned. The latter has notably denied that Nicolas Sarkozy has evoked the "yellow vests", as reported Midi Libre . "Nicolas Sarkozy said he was a man of passion, but that it was not a passion he would put to return, but to share his experience," said the entourage of the former head of State.

A spike thrown at Donald Trump. According to Midi Libre , the former president has finally split a comment on Donald Trump, who "belongs to a very rare category: people who do not improve and who become worse". If the entourage of the former president confirmed the statement, it was written, the same source, "in a long development" during which the former head of the French State had recalled that Donald Trump had " the legitimacy of the election ".