Mohammed Mohsen Wedd - Occupied Jerusalem

Israeli political analysts and researchers have gathered that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia and Gulf and Islamic countries at the expense of Turkey's alliance is a prelude to a declaration by US President Donald Trump of a regional peace plan known as the "Century Deal."

He said that the interests of Tel Aviv with the Gulf countries are temporary and it is more appropriate for Israel to ally with Iran and Turkey, the silent stance of Israel on Netanyahu's policies to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia and Gulf and African countries, while marginalizing Turkey's regional role.

Despite the internal Israeli debate about the future of Turkey's relations with Turkey during the reign of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, there is almost a consensus in Tel Aviv, according to the analysts, to blame Ankara for the fragility of the Turkish-Israeli alliance because of Erdogan's positions in support of the Palestinian cause, the Gaza Strip and the Islamic movements and organizations around The world, and its diplomatic approach to dealing with Iran.

Akiba al-Dar: ruled out that the Saudi alliance as an alternative to Turkey and Europe (the island)

Common enemy
"What is going on in the Middle East to warm the relations between Israel and the Arab countries is a first step to a larger project that is being applied to the Trump peace plan," said Arab and Palestinian affairs expert Yoav Stern.

He pointed out that the willingness of Arab countries to pay the price normalization of relations with Israel will require Tel Aviv in the future accept the Trump plan to establish a Palestinian state even if there is a problem on the border and the capital Jerusalem.

It is considered that the current regional changes and normalization of relations caused by what he called the "common enemy" of moderate Arab countries and Israel, Iran and its nuclear project and expansionist plan, stressing that Netanyahu, who waved the Iranian scarecrow for years before Israeli society succeeded in planting it in some Arab and Islamic countries, He meets with the president of the White House.

Tangle of interests
"The answer is not in Israel but in Riyadh and the Arab capitals, Tel Aviv, and under the direction of Washington, which is interested in a public and strong alliance with the Arabs, And the intertwined interests and not an alliance to manage the interests behind the scenes as it is so far. "

The spokesman does not believe that at this stage there is a Turkish-Israeli alliance in the strong sense as it was in the past, and believes that Erdogan's approach and his supportive positions defending regional issues, most notably the Palestinian cause, the Islamic movements and organizations, the Iranian nuclear project and the war on Syria, which are embarrassing files for Israel, Saudi Arabia is closer and more important than maintaining a fragile alliance with Turkey.

Yoav Stern: Fragility of the Israeli-Turkish alliance because of the positions of Erdogan (Al Jazeera)

Temporary Alliances
For his part, the political analyst Akiva Aldar, that despite the fragility of the alliance of Israel and Turkey because of Erdogan's positions against the policies of Netanyahu and his government, the Israeli institutions of all kinds see the need to maintain strong relations with Ankara, especially that relations with Saudi Arabia or Gulf and Islamic countries, May be temporary even if it lasts for years.

Al-Dar said in a statement to al-Jazeera Net that Netanyahu's moves in the Middle East and the Arabian Gulf were under orders from his ally Trump, who announced America's return to the Middle East to regain its interests after the decline of American influence under former President Barack Obama. During heating relations with Arab neighbors to the "deal of the century."

The political analyst ruled out that the Saudi alliance is a substitute for Turkey and Europe, despite Netanyahu's attempts through his activity in Arab countries to raise the wedges and instigate discord among the Arabs. This approach is adopted with the European Union, where he meets and embraces the heads of state and populist parties and the right. A break-up of consensus both in the Arab world and even in Europe against the Israeli occupation of Arab territories.

He believes that Netanyahu, through promoting the normalization of relations with Arab and Islamic countries, is looking for a lifeline for internal crises faced by both the instability of the coalition government, and escalation on the Gaza front, and subject him to investigate several files on charges of corruption.

"Through normalization rounds, Netanyahu aims to influence Israeli public opinion ahead of the upcoming elections and convince them that it is possible to make peace with the Arab states without any concessions or to pay anything," says the political analyst.

Renewing negotiations
For his part, Nimrod Jorn, director of the Israeli institute "Metfim" specialized in foreign policy of Israel and the Middle East, believes that despite the great importance that the Israeli public attaches to improving relations with the moderate Arab countries and the fact that the vast majority believes that cooperation with Arab countries is possible, Of the Israeli public declared that they would not care to visit any Arab country even after establishing normal relations between Israel and its neighbors, according to the "Metfim" index.

As for Netanyahu's quest for normalization of relations with Arab countries, Jouran explained to Al-Jazeera Net that the results of the Institute's index for 2018 show an upward trend in public satisfaction with Israel's foreign policy, especially the state of relations with the United States. However, it is clear that the Israeli public is interested in seeing a number of important changes, including the renewal of peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority.

He pointed out that the results of the indicator indicate disturbing trends in the neighboring regions, especially Turkey and Europe, so that the majority of the Israeli public views the EU as an enemy of Israel and not a friend or ally, as is the case with the Erdogan regime, although Europe is a political partner and economic and civil and security Great for Israel.