The Breton Democratic Union (UDB) denounces a "maneuver" of the president of Loire-Atlantique to bury the consultation on the united Brittany claimed by 100,000 petitioners of the department.

Michel Beaupré, head of the Breton Democratic Union (UDB) of Loire-Atlantique, accuses the PS president of the department of "political maneuver" . And to explain: "Philippe Grosvalet has the opportunity to start the process of reunification of Brittany. Instead, he confiscates the debate knowing that his majority, Jacobin assumed, is hostile to reunification. "

Why a "maneuver"? Because the president Grosvalet decided to make vote the departmental council, on December 17, for or against the attachment of Loire-Atlantique to Brittany. Knowing that for this to happen, it takes a majority of 3 / 5th of the elected. And an identical vote of the Region Pays de la Loire! No chance, without the support "of a democratic demand of the inhabitants. " Hence the ubiquity of the UDB, which solemnly asks that is proposed on December 17, a vote on the organization of the consultation of the inhabitants of Loire-Atlantique, in accordance with the 100,000 signatures collected by Brittany met . "

The UDB is a leftist party, without elected to the Department, but which has a deputy to the socialist mayor of Nantes. The latter, Pierre-Emmanuel Marais, had collected eighteen signatures of the petition from elected officials of the Nantes majority ...