Mahmoud Al-Sharaan - Amman

The case of the leaking of real estate with forged documents in occupied Jerusalem coincided with Israeli settlers, with the consent of a citizen of Jordanian nationality. The mosque's fiancé Sheikh Akrama Sabri revealed the presence of law offices in Jordan and Palestine to sell land to Israelis in Jerusalem.

The case was raised by the Jordanian MP Khalil Attieh and the publication of documents showing a justice agency with the consent of a citizen of Jordanian nationality to sell an Israeli settler property in the Sur Bahir area of ​​Jerusalem district.

The lawyer defended what he revealed by saying that the documents included an agency that was written by a lawyer who is a member of the Palestinian Bar Association. He bore a name and a picture of a false identity of the seller, who was found dead 10 years ago.

Charging destinations
Attiyah accused a Jordanian attorney general of approving the sale of a property in Jerusalem to Jewish sources, pointing out that there are countries that help the occupation to own the land of Jerusalemites, and emptying Jerusalem of its people by pumping large sums of money to buy real estate.

Khalil Attiya: There are countries that help the occupation to acquire the land of Jerusalemites (the Jordanian press)

The documents indicated the name of a registered lawyer in the records of the Bar Association in Palestine, according to the Jordanian Bar Association, and that the Jordan Syndicate "will continue with the Palestine Union to verify the authenticity of the information soon."

According to the official spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Majid al-Qatarna, he turned the file of the case to the judiciary through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jordan to declare the falsity of the forged document and hold accountable those who carried out this illegal act.

Check the document
"After inspecting the ministry's records and examining the image of the agency's published document, it was found to be forged, including seals and signatures," Al-Jazeera said.

Jordan has custody of the holy sites in Jerusalem under Article 9 of the Wadi Araba Peace Agreement signed in 1994 between Jordan and Israel.

The Friday sermon at the Al-Aqsa Mosque of the head of the Islamic Supreme Council in Jerusalem, Sheikh Akrama Sabri revealed the presence of law firms in Jordan and Palestine, Jordanian and Palestinian lawyers involved in the sale of land to Israelis in Jerusalem.

Al Jazeera Net tried to communicate with Sheikh Akrama Sabri to find out the details of the information he disclosed, but he reserved a statement on that.

How to infusion
Jordanian and Palestinian sources showed the mechanism of leaking real estate and property of Jerusalem, as any such operation is carried out illegally by falsifying the facts about the heirs.

A document showing the consent of a Jordanian citizen to the sale of a settler property in Jerusalem (communication sites)

This process is not carried out without a lawyer, who is often either Palestinian or Jordanian, since the diversion process depends primarily on the legal coverage to hide the facts in order to serve him legally, the sources told Al Jazeera Net.

Palestinian and Jordanian lawyers have been accused of collaborating with settlement groups to work on the diversion of property with financial support from the UAE.

The union threatens its employees
In turn, the head of the Jordanian Bar Association, Mazen Arshidat, threatened to take firm punitive measures against those found to be involved in leaking real estate in occupied Jerusalem to Israeli settlers.

He stressed in a press statement arrived to the island Net a copy, that "the union warns anyone who begs himself to engage in such activities normalization," stressing that those who prove his involvement in this file, "will be subject to the final deletion of the lists of members of the union in addition to referral to the disciplinary board "He said.

Target infusion
The Jordan Engineers Association for Palestine and Jerusalem organized a seminar entitled "The Real Estate of Jerusalem in the Face of Settlements", in which it expressed Jordan's stand in support of the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in all ways and means.

In the same context, the specialist in the affairs of Jerusalem Ziad Abuhis that the goal of the main infiltration is to penetrate the Arab fabric of Jerusalem, and the construction of outposts in Arab communities, and use in the psychological war against Jerusalemites.

Abhais confirmed that Palestinian and Arab parties played a role in the real estate leaks. He called for the formation of a reference for Jerusalemites following the sale and purchase of real estate, issuing a legal charter for this purpose and setting up professional investigation committees to uncover these operations and those involved in them.